17 JULY 1941, Page 14

In the Garden March to May is the critical period

for vegetables ; July and August are the months to plan for that period. Ground cleared of potatoes should now be sown with kales, to be thinned later, but not trans- planted, and with turnips and swedes, planted with broccoli, sprout- ing broccoli and leeks. Does any correspondent know of a, sound method of preserving tomatoes—either the pulp or the whole fruit? Or a really good method of preserving French.and runner beans? • The Ministry of Food meant to issue, I believe, improved methods of salting beans, but I have not so far seen the instructions: . My experience with bean-salting consists of two main periods of trial: the first in August and September, when beans and salt are sandwiched in jars daily, until I get heartily sick of them ; the other in mid-winter, when they are opened and are found to be colourless and quite Ameatable, and I feel like being sick again. Yet every year I come across bean enthisciac11, who declare that their preserved.beans are just as good as those fresh gathered. Is there a secret? H. E. BATES.