18 JULY 1970, Page 28

Crossword 1438

Across 1 You ought to be able to see through this!.


5 Darling of exclusive Etonians? (6) 9 After Act IV had a meal to increase energy (8) 10 Old-fashioned writer hits the roof! (6) 12 He folds his legs in prayer apparently (6) 13 Rovers rant wildly at the lake (8) 15 He's lonely but likes to be thought splendid (12) 18 Overlooks but means no slight (12) 23 Column made to last in the pier (8) 24 What to do in those flying machines (6) 26 It horrifies one when Dad returns to his buddies (6) 27 Digger with a good manly appetite? (8) 28 Elisha was anything but this! (6) 29 One in seven chance of thunder (8) ' Down 1 Last words on charity from David (6) 2 It has the ring of disaster! (6) 3 Royalty, perhaps, performs Salome's dance?


4 Jot that down (4) 6 Tree published his poems (7) 7 Composition that is both touching and muscular (8) 8 Wafters pour down a split in the rocks (8) 11 Confounded Pussyfoot in wild dread (7) 14 Pump a gambler (7) 16 Sapling for Orbilias? (3-5) 17 Order for 'afters'? (5-3) 19 Saturday ends for poolsters! (7) 20 'An ampler ether, a — air' (Wordsworth) (7) 21 Flirted but bungled it (6)

22 Dry ale bought perhaps at a high price (6) 25 Pre-eminent in the architectural world (4)-

Solution next week Solution to Crossword 1437. Across: 1 Detached S Cherub 9 Mightily 10 Slopes 12 Earth 13 Gondolier 14 Weatherboard 18 Penitentiary 21 Ruritania 23 Elope 24 Oboist 25 Scribble 26 Sashed 27 Assented. Down: 1 Damned 2 Tagore 3 Catchment 4 Enlightening 6 Hallo 7 Reprisal 8 Bestride 11 Inheritances 15 Bar- mecide 16 Sparrows 17 Enormous 19 Combat 20 Defend 22 Taste.