18 JUNE 1831, Page 10


PUBLIC FUNDS. Satyr. Mon. Tues.


811 2 11 8213 213 89i

981 200

Isz 13-16 1

813 1

8112091 621liall


)81- 199



9811 1881 82 16 13-16 2

Al 99

200 199f 16 15.16 1 prom

1991 16111-16 32

1 prem 11 12


12 10 11 19

9 10 10 12

Il 13

11 19 10 19

13 12 11 13 10 12


3 per Cent. Reduced ...... 3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account ........ si per Cent. Old ...... 31 per Cent. New . . .

4 per Cent.......

Bank Stock .. .

India Bonds . Exchequer Bills, 1000/..... Ditto, 8001. . ..... Ditto, Small .. Wednes. Thurs. Friday.

821 821 82 8II 2 S36213i3 Sail 21 s4-7,820 soir 90 891


Gold-Portiagal, in Coin ... ....per oz. 0/. Os. 04. .... Foreign, in Bars 3 17 10f - New Doubloons 0 0 - Silver-In Bars, Standird 0 4 119 - New Dollars 0 0 0 White 36 - 40 Boilers 40-40 Beans, Ticks 30 - 40 I la rrow 40 -43

Old 0 - 0

Oats, Feed 24 -27 Barley, Stained 211 - Is Fine 28 - 29 Malting 42 - 45 Poland 27 - DI Malt, Ordinary. 55-66 Fine 29 - 30 Fine 68 - 78 Potato 29 - It Peas, flog .... 97-39 Fine 31 - 32 -

AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales, for the Week ending J tine 10.

Wheat ........60s. 104. I Rye 32004. Barley 26 6 Beans 40 5

Oats ...... .... 27 2 Peas 38 7 Aggregate Average of the last Six Weeks, altich regulates Duty.

Wheat 673. ird. Intr. 403. Id. Barley 39 6 Peens 40 0

Oats 27 1 l'e, 39 13 Duty on FOREIGN CORN for Ille present Week-

Wheat Ins. 84. I Rye 0,.64. Barley 3 4 Bean: . . 9 6

Oats 6 3 Ic-ia 11 0


Town-rnade per seek 55s. to 604.

Seconds 59 - 55 Esser and Suffolk, on board ship 45 - 50 Norfolk and Stockton 43 43


(Per toed of 30 Tntsses.)

e I/ Al RVRLAND. SMITIIIHRLD• Hay, Coarse Meadow 45s. to 501 Os. to Os. Useful Ditto 50-75 . 50- 60 Upland Ditto 85 90 ....70 0 - d.,

(Amer 70-110 .... 100 -115 Straw, flat Wheat 36 - 40 .... 34 - 38


Meadow Hay 60 70 50 - a0 Clover 50-ISO .... 55-110

Straw, Oat ...... 0 - 0 .... - - -

Wheat 33 - 42 . 32 - 36 COALS.

Wall's End, best 80s. 64.to 33s.04. Inferior 20 0 - 25 9


We have a fair supply of every thing for a Fri- day, and there is much business dal no ; in fact ire have not observed RO many butchers ot market for months back. The prices of this day seunight and those of Monday for Beef, Mutton and Land). sire not only fully maintained, but in some in- stances obtain n trifle more. though we cannot raise our figure for either. Veal declined 44. on Monday from the preceding inarket, and to-day the best Chives do not exceed that day's quotation NRIVOATR LRAM:HALL.* SAIRRH71 PIM. I Beef ..... 3s. 411.10 4s. ed..... Is. 4,I. to 4s. 44.

Mutton .. 3 4 - 4 0 3 6 - 4 Veal ..... 3 0 - 4 8 .... 4 0 - 4 8 Fork .... 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0

1.01nb .. 5 0 - 0 0 5 4 - 6 0 • By the Carcass, per stone of Ono. Sinking the offal, per stone of 8lbs.


ljohea per lb. Is. nd. to Is. ofd. Congou. Common 2 Of - 2 15

- Middling ..... 2 If - 2 2

- Best 28-8 1 Sonchong 0 0 - 0 0 Compel, Cominon ...... 2 Of - 2 1 Twaakav 2 If - 2 1 - • Fine 2 5 - 8 It Byson. Skin 2 4 - 3 9 - Common 3 9 - 3 99 - Fine .... ......... 4 2 - 5 6 Ditties on Teas below 53.06 per Cent.

above Sr. IOU ---


Jamaica. Triage . cwt. 26s. Od. to 413.

- Ordinary 43 0 - 44 45 0 - 47

Middling.. 59 63

Fine .......... 70 0 - 152

Mocha 5 0 - 126 Duty nut included.


en, RPM

Raisins. Sultanns, per et. Os. to Os... 705. to Os. - Smyrna, Black. 0 - 0 .. 34 - 0 Musemels 0 - 0 75 -100 - Bloom 0 - 0 .. 75 - 0 Currants 67 0 . 68 - 74

Pigs, Turkey 0 - 0 .. 40 -32 French Plums ...... 80 - 0 .. 0 - 0 Imperials 115 - 0 ..600 - 0 Prunes 0 - 0 0 - 0 Almonds, Jordan 102.03. Od. - Valentin 310 0

SUGARS. Duty included.

Muscovades, Brea n. 11,1, t... 45 Middling 50 -- Good 54 - Fine 60 Mauritius 43

Molasses. . ... 2 .... 22 ...y not included. East India, Brown o - While 64

d. to 503. Od.

- 53 0 - 59 0 - 62 0 - 57 0

- 24 0

- 0 0 - 32 0 Fine 65 - ec White, Old

00- 011 Fine -

60 -72 Super. - 74 - 75 Rye, New 32 - 38

old ---


MARK LAs3, Friday, June 17. We are moderately supplied with Grain in gene- ral this week: the trade, nevertheless, is extremely dull, though with little variation in prices. Fine Wheat maintains 540n4ay's currency, hut Barley Meets a heavy sale on rather worse terms; and Oats. sinless for sweet good parcels, are rather cheuper than otherwise.

(Per Quarter.) Wheat, Red New 54 to 0:1 Maple. 40 10 41


Repo Oil, Brown ................per ton 33/. Or.

Relined 85 0

Linseed 26 0 Rape Cake 6 0 Linseed Oil Cake at the BOIL... per 1860 10 10

Duty Id. per lb. above below. - - -


Butts, English Crop ....per lb. Calf Skins, 36 to 40Ib.. per den. Ditto 50 1.1701b.

. • s.3d. to Is. 11d. 4 - 1 8 3-19 - 2 0

Small Seals, Greenland 9 - I 99 Large Data 3 - 1 6 English Horse It iii6s....per lb 3 - 1 5

Spanish Ditto • - 1 1 1


Short Wont Skins as. W.- 51.24.

Lenz Gino 0 0 - O0 She:whims 0 n - O2


Best Heifers and Steers, per stone Si. 44. ter .64.

Al iddlings 2 2 2 4

Ordinary I 8 2 0 Market Calf each 8 6 - 0 0


s. d.

Candles ...per doe. 8 0 Soap Tallow 39 0 Inferior ...... . . 7 0 Melting Stuff 33 0

Moulds 9 0 Ditio Rough 20 0

TownTallovrp.ewt.42 0 Yellow Soap , 74 0

Yellow Russia-. 40 0 Mottled 82 0

White 41 0 Curd 84 0 Sold June 9, at Redruth.

Copper Ore 2618 tons.

Amount of Money /4,013/. 53. 64.

Average 1 nee ........ 5 6 0 A cern., Standard WO 13 0

Averts*. l'rodnce 8 ()mint itv of rine Copper 210 bats 15 cuts.

..O1 ETA LS.

Iron, in Bars per ton. 0/. 5s. Odds

- Hoops ..........2 LO 0 - Steel SO 0 0 - Tins, in Bars 3 17 0 - - Ingots ...... 3 15 0 - - Blocks 3 15 0 - Quicksilver ........per lb 0 1 10 -

Copper, in Sheets 0 0 91 - - Cake per ton 85 0 0 - Lead, l'ig 1315 0 -

- Milled or Sheet 14 10 0 - Bars .... 14 10 0 -


s. 11. s. d.

Leonesit .. 2 0 to 3 0 Seqa, ia .. 2 0-13 4

Soria 1 8 - 0 Po rinent . 1 0 - 1 4 Austrian 2 0 - 6 6 French ... 1 6 - 3 0

3. rt. id. Saxon Elee.4 0 to 7 0 Ditto 1 . 3 8 - 4 10 Ditto 2 . 2 8 - 2 9 Do.Locks 1 3 -3 :3 Do.Fleece 1 3 - 3 6 D.Lambs 1 6 - 4 0


Segars, in bond ...... ....per lb. 7s. Oil. to Ms. Od. Ilavannith Leaf 1 0 - 3 6 St. Domingo 0 6 - 0 11 Maryland, Light Brown 0 5 - 0 7

Virgi .. i .. n, Fine Black 0 55 - 0 6

Kentucky Leaf, Stemmed 0 31 - 0 5


Port, Old per pipe 40/. to New 23 -..

Lisbon ...... .... ...... 20 -

Micelles .. 30 -

Mountain, Good ....... .. 25 -

- Cargo 17 - Culeavella 30 - Tencrille, Good 0 - 0 - Cargo 11 - 12

Madeira, Direst 0 - 0

- London Partieulm 50 -- 55 West India 24 50 East India 813 -.- 90 Spanish Red per tan 14 .- 18 Sherry, Good . . ,per butt 25 - 78 Claret, Gond per Ida 26 - 50 Cargo 4 5 French White, Good 30 36 - Carg.■ 4 - 5 Duties on French 11 inc, 7s. ad.

Dutieg •an rape Willi, .. 8 0 1, per Imp. Gallon. Duties on :ill other Woes 4 10


Geneva, Dollands .. per gallon 2s. Gil. to Brandy, Cogniae, 1st quality .. 4 4 - - Tel otmtlity.. 4 2 -

- 31,1 q notify .. 3 8 - Duty 280.64. per Imp. Gallon. Rum, Lcewards, per gallon 1 5 - 1 6 - Demerara strorm 0 0 - 0 0 - Jamaica, 86 to 25, O.P. 4 - 2 7 30.0.1' 0 0 - 0 0

Daly /h. (W.-Immo, ns or gi rem: th. 2s. 84. 46 44 41


The 41h. Loaf . 104.

Butter, Cork ter cwt. Os. to Or.

- Carlow ...................0 - 0 CIIRCAH, Cheshire 40 -- 70

Gloucester, Single - Doable. .... ...... .. 52 -- 64

Bacon, Middles 44 48

- Singed 42 - 48 Beef, India, New per tierce 51.153.0d,

-- Prime M1,4 4 15 0

Pork, India ... . .. .... ..... , 6 7 6

- Prime Mess per barrel 3 7 6

- Second Quality 3 0 0 501.

26 28 84 40 18 85


scotch Reds ..... ......per tun Si.

Sidney, 4

Champions ..... ....... 0

°snub'. and Shows 3


Kent Pockets .......per curt. 7/. Os. to

Siissex Pockets 6 6 - I.:saws Pockets 7 0 - Farnham Fine ........ 12 0 - - Seconds 6 0 -

Kent Bags ........ 3 0 -

Sussex Bags 5 15 - Essex Bans 6 0 - 11/.

7 9

10 9 8 61 7 15

53. to 3/.15s.

n - O0 U - 4 10 5 - 3 RI

O /. Os. Od.

O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0

O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0

0 0