18 JUNE 1831, Page 3

COMMON Couissira—At the meeting of the Common Council, an Thursday,

on the motion of Mr. Oldham, 500/. was unanimously voted in aid of the starving inhabitants of Mayo. On the same occasion, on the motion of Mr. Charles Pearson, the petition of Mr. Solomons, an English Jew, praying to be admitted to the freedom of the City, was granted. A question was put at the meeting, as to the source whence the expenses of the defence of the court of Aldermen against Mr. Scales was to proceed. Mr. Pearson declared, that it should not conic from the corporate funds. The rule for a mandanzus, commanding the City ts show cause why they refuse to swear in the slew Alderman, was made absolute last week.

Lotsnox Uisivalisery.—An extraordinary meeting of the proprietors is appointed for the 2nd July, to investigate the circumstances which have hitherto prevented it from attaining that degree of usefulness which was contemplated by the founders. The requisition for the meeting was signed by thirty-three of the most influential proprietors.

WINE DUTIES.—A meeting of wine-merchants was held on Wed- nesday at the Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane, when, after some discussion, it was resolved, by a considerable majority of those present, " That the proposed equalization of the duties on foreign wines would be detrimental to the trade, and not advantageous to the revenue ;" and that the meeting should endeavour to prevail on the Chancellor of the Exchequer not to bring forward the measure. [Will it be advantageous to the public?]

CANADA COMPANY.—A meeting of the proprietors of shares in this undertaking was held on Tuesday. From the report it appeared that the sale of land in the first three months of the present year, had amounted to 25,000 acres, producing 12,675/. In the same period of last year, 8,807 acres were disposed of, producing 4,824/. In the Gulf the sales, for the half year ending the 21st May, have exceeded by 19,140 acres the sale of the corresponding period in the former years. It was recommended that a dividend be declared for the current half year, at the rate of 4 per cent. on the subscriptions already paid up. Da answer to questions, the Governor stated that the sum of 22,000/. to be paid to the proprietors as interest of money, was now represented by tangible property, and might be considered as realised.

ROYAL NAVY Senoot.—Several meetings have !men held lately, for the purpose of instituting a school for the education of the sons of naval offi- cers; and we are happy to perceive, from the report of the last meeting (held on Thursday), that there is every prospect of the plan succeding. It is proposed to erect a house sufficient for the reception of 200 boys, who will receive an education in every respect fitting their rank and views in life, and be boarded at the same time at the rate of 23/. a-year a-piece. The calculations have been made with great care by Commander Dick- son, with whom the plan of the institution originates. His Majesty has condescended to become the patron of the school, and already 3.000/. is subscribed for its erection. A very absurd motion made on Thursday —that none but Admirals or Vice-Admirals should be of the committee for managing the affairs of the institution, who was not married or a parent—was very summarily dismissed. What call is there, in such a society, for an aristocracy of bachelors, more than of married men ? SEAMAN'S Hostarat.—The King of Denmark has forwarded, through his Ambassador, a donation of 100/. to the Seaman's Floating Hospital. BALL FOR THE hum PEASANTRY.—A grand dress ball is about to be given at Drury Lane Theatre (similar, we presume, to that which was

given at Covent Garden four years ago on behalf of the distressed Spa- niards), for the relief of the suffering Irish. Their Majesties have signi- fied their gracious intention of honouring the ball with their presence. DISTRESS IN MAYO.—A meeting of the subscribers to the Rind of 1822 for the relief of the distress in Ireland, was held in Dublin on

Friday ; when it was resolved that 5,000/. of the fund should be appro- priated to the relief of the present distress in Mayo. 31r. Blake stated his opinion, as a lawyer, that the appropriation was perfectly regular.

Still, as there may be legal doubts, to prevent all impleasant conse- quences, Mr. Leader, who moved the resolutions, and who iii m Podia- ment, should introduce a short bill to indemnify the trustees. Ministers will consent to its being treated as a public bill, and it may be passed into a law before the expiry of next week.

lhoussso &atom. SOCIETY.—On Saturday, the fifty-eighth London anniversary festival of the Highland School Society was held at Free- mason's Hall ; his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex in the chair. The subscriptions this year exceed those of the last by 2501.

NEW MUSICAL FUND.—On Wednesday, the anniversary dinner of this institution was given at the Freemason's Tavern. Lord Dundas pre- sided in the absence of the Duke of Sussex. Amongst the company was Signor Pagan i