18 JUNE 1831, Page 8


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY NiGHT.-On Saturday last, Consols for the Account closed at 823, the Market fiat. The fall in the French Funds had led to a fall of prices in the Home Market, and the efforts on the part of the jobbers to keep them up limited the transactions. On Monday, the Bears made a vigorous effort to bring Consols down ; and for a short time they were successful, as some bargains were concluded so low as 811; they soon rallied, however, and left off at SlIf .1. The low state of the Hamburgh discounts-2 per cent.-which sufficiently Indicate the super- abundance of money in the Foreign Market, was adduced as a reason for the rally. A rumour which has turned out unfounded, that Government had consented to stmply the Russians with 200,000 stand of arms from the Tower-an art which seemed, though remotely. to mix us up with the contests in Poland-was brought forward to account for the fall. The truth is, that throughout the week there has been almost no real business transacted; the fluctuations have been In consequence produced by very slight, and frequently most inadequate causes ; and in many instances, the rumour, seems to have been invented to explain the rise or fall which it was sup- posed to have influenced. On Tuesday, Hear the close of the Market, a report, which seems to have obtained belief nowhere but in the Stock Market, prevailed, that Prince Leopold had, notwithstanding the unsettled question of the boundaries, agreed to accept the crown of Belgium : the same rumour was even more confi- dently repeated to-dity, but with an equally limited credit. ball cases, however, it operated to enhance prices. On Tuesday, the rise was positive-from 821 to 831; to-day, it not only kept Consols from falling, which, from the apparently unsettled state of Paris, and the depression of the funds there, they naturally would have done, but even produced arise of f per cent. They opened at 821 ; and after several fluctuations closed at82i, 83. In the early part of the week, from the general opinion that the recent changes in Brazil would tend to consolidate the Gore. nment of that country, Brazilian Stock stood firm at 59f: to-day considerable orders to sell have been received from holders in the country, and prices have given way-the Bonds closed at 50-51. Russian Stock has declined during the week about 2 per cent.; the prices are now 92f. The cause of the decline has been traced to an alleged breach of faith in a case in which the Bank of Warsaw was extensively concerned: The interest on the thirty-Millions (roubles) of Bonds held by that Bank has, it is said, been stopped, contrary to the terms of the Russian loan contracts, all of which expressly provide for the case of bonds held by natives of countries at war with Russia. In Exchequer Bills, there has been no variation during the week ; they remain 1 is. to 12s. prem. There are numerous complaints of the want of silver nmoug the retailers, while the Bank of England is represented as so overstocked with it as to be conmelled to melt it down. The exchange by the Bank, of silver against gold, has been recommended as advantageous to all parties.

SATURDAY MortNING.-Consols 831; Brazilian Bonds 50-51; Russian 92.


f Bank Stock .... 1991 9- Buenos Ayres... - Spanish.. 15 16

3 per Cent. Red. 811; 82 Chinon . 19 20 Ditto, New 14 f 3 per Cent. Cons. -- Colombian . ... 13 14 SHARES

3; per Cent. New - Danish.- .. 61f 2 Consols for Acct. 821 3 Greek....... 18 20 Bolanos 150 170'

Long Annuities 16 13-16 Mexican .....• . 39 I- Brazilian . 99 46

Ex. Bills, 10001. 11 12 Peruvian ....... 19 13 Columbian . 5f 6f India heads, par to 2 pm Portuguese ..... 44 46 Anglo Mexican 21 22

.. 50 51 Russian........ 02 f United Mexican S 81,