18 JUNE 1836, Page 10



This week has scarcely been more important than the last ; the transactions of the money market have been few, and comparatively insignificant. The ap- prehensions connected with the present position of the two Houses of Parlia- ment seem to have died away for the time. Money has been plentiful in the Stock Exchange; although it has been very much in demand in the cominer- cial would, in consequence of the great activity in eV departments of trade. The exportation of gold to the United States, the financial bugbear of the year, has almost entirely ceased. Its extent, when going on. was muelt more limited than has been supposed ; the whole amount sent out lately not having exceeded 500,000L The endeavotirs, therefore, which have been pertinaciously tnade for some time to bring on a panic in the Money Market have been unsuc- cessful. The Railway speculations were first to have produced a dreadful corn- inercial reaction ; lint as the prophecies were not fulfilled, the convulsed state of the American Money Market was greedily caught up by the alarmists and agitators. Even this device, however, has failed; and the ingenious croakers must now seek another ground of alarm.

The question of the propriety of publishing the accounts of large public banking establishments, which has been so long debated among the Bank pro- prietors, has been completely set at rest, by an exemplification of its good effects which has occurred during the past week, in the case of the National Bank of Ireland. That establishment, in common with every thing that Mr. O'Cosraregg is connected with, had become the object of abuse and misrepre- sentation by his political enemies; and some very unfair insinuations aato the state of its funds were current. These were promptly met by the publication of the balance-sheet exhibited to the proprietors at the last meeting, a copy of which we subjoin; and by so doing, have completely silenced their detractors.


Capital £347.140 12 11 Investments £155.740 12 6 521.745 0 0 Seeurilies 8.2.6,638 1 6 Circulation Deposits 256.633 12 1 l'roprietors' undivided

fund 14,520 15 11

£1,140,045 0 11 Specie and Cash at bankers 166,4,111 1 London preliminary ex- penses, to be liqui-

dated in four year., 13,547 3 8 Branch ditto, in five

years 9.617 9 2 £1,167.045 0 II With the experience of the effect of sueli a inea.ure before their eyes, we may reasonably suppose that the Directois of the Bank of ;Euglaad will aeon enneede the long-disputed point. The Conrail Market has been steady during the week, and the tendency stems to be upwards. Exchequer Bill* have maintained their premium be- tween It and 13 shillings.

In the Foreign Market, the Spanish Bonds appear to he recoil ring from the Lp ession under which they have so long laboured ; the quotation of to-day being nearly 2 per cent. in advance of the closing price of last week. An ins presr:on is abroad that the civil war is about to he terminates! by negotiation ; and it is to that circumstance that the present rise is attributed. Much credit lias lot a g,iven to the psi-calling report, in consequence of the Baron nE Los VA LLES who is a confidential agent of the Spanish Pretender, having had an interview with Lord PALMERSTON. S'nutli American Seeuritirs have rallied, in consequence of some more Gwen-able ft :attend intelligence from Mexico.

The Biazili in Alining Shares have fallen ; the last intelligence from Conjo Sae° not marking a centinuance of late improved produce. In the Railway Shares, the fluctuations have not been important. and the tnat hat has been, with the exception of a few varieties, in an inactive st ite.


Very little has occurred this morning. The Consul Market has experienced an improvement of A per cent. Spanish Active Stock is firm at the quotations of yesterday. T1L. Defiled and Passive Stocks are higher; as, by tlw last adv ices from Madrid, IsTt•ittrz bag carried into effect the arrangements pro- poses: by Al ENIlla BAIL while in office fur the consideration of the Ihrbt without mtere,t— Mout 8,000.000L of the Passive Debt and non-consolidated Vales having bees cancelled in Madrid. The repast of th, Directors of the Australian Bank has been published. 13s it we !earn, that branches had been established at Sydney, Hobart ToWn, and Launceston, which commenced operation in the beginning of January last. SATURDAY, FOUR .0.C1OCTIC.

We have not any thing to remark upon this afternoon: prices generally are the same as in the morning. The Railway Share Market has been in a quiescent state; some minor descriptions of undertaking, the bills for which have mit yet pissed, are heavy, in consequence of the adoption by the House of Lords of the Duke of WELLINGTON'S clause, by which Parliament will he in- vested with the future regulation of the tolls chargeable upon these widens!: - ings. The followirg are the prices: Birmingham and London 73 75; ditto and Derby 413. ; ditto and Gloucester 2?, 3 ; Bristol and Exeter 112Y; Great Western 23 25; Greenwich 5A ; Southampton 5A6 ; North AI nil 78; Leeds and Maricheater 17 18; ILighton l3A 146 ; South Eastern 2 3; Eastern Counties A 1; London Grand Junction a I prem.


3 per Cent. Consols Dutch 24 per Cents 5G3 7 Ditto fur Account French 3 per Cents New 3i per Cent. Anus 91,sic(!)It+4. MPRiCall 5 per Cents. 344 54

India ■toek Portuguese 3 per Cents. .... 5.1

Bank Stock shut. Do. Regency 5 per Cent.... 1114

Exchequer Bills 13pm Russian.1521. 5 per Cent 1104

Belgian 5 pee Cents t 24 Spanish. 1834.5 per Cent... 421 1 Brazilian 5 per Cents Si 7 Ditto. Deterred 194 Danish 3 per Cents. 76 4 Ditto, Passive 134