18 JUNE 1836, Page 7

trio Court.

THE. King and Queen arrived at St. James's Palace, from Windsor, on Wednesday. The King held a Levee, at which the company and presentations were very numerous. In the evening. his Majesty gave a grand dinner to the members of the Neill Sectindus Club, composed of gentlemen who hold or have held commissions in the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards. The Queen attended the performances at Drury Lane Theatre.

On Thursday, her Majesty held a Drawing-room at St. James's Palace ; which was attended by the principal Ministers, the Foreign Ambassadors, and a very large assemhly of the nobility. and military and naval officers. Li the course of time morning, the King gave an- dictum to Lord Melbourne, and most of the Cabinet Ministers. The King gave a grand dinner yesterday to the Corporation of Tri- nity House. The principal guests were the Duke of Wellington, the Marquis Camden, Lord Melbourne, and Sir Robert Peel. The Dutchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria went to Windsor on Monday, on a visit to their Majesties ; and returned to Kensington Palace on Wednesday. On Friday last, Mr. Alexander, the oculist, removed the cataracts from the eyes of the Duke of Sussex ; the bandages were taken off on Tuesday, and as his Royal Highness can now see with both eyes, there is every prospect that Ids sight will be perfectly restored. Daily bulletins have been published by his physicians, and one by the Home Office. A communication to the Fellows of the Royal Society has also been made, by the Duke's desire, to the effect above stated ; with the addition that his Royal Highness hopes to preside at the anniver- sary meeting of the Society on the 30th of November.