18 JUNE 1842, Page 15

The respectable publisher of Hullah's Part Music has drawn our

at- tention to an important misstatement in our last number, respecting the price of the publication. In place of being at the rate of three halfpence for each page, it is only one halfpenny and half a farthing. The mils• take arose from our not observing that each faseiculus contains two sets, " sacred " and " secular," separately paged ; so that there are 48 in- stead of 24 pages. Our remarks too were limited to the score, intended for general use, comprising the music for four-voice parts: the music of each part is also published separately, for the use ot the pupils in class, at about a fourth of the price charged for the entire score. We have further learned in the coin se of this explanation, that it is not intended that the collection shall consist merely of old and well-known music, but that liberal arrangements have been made, beyond what, in the absence of a prospectus, might be inferred from the first number alone.