18 JUNE 1853, Page 10

The latest accounts from Constantinople are to the 9th instant.

They announce the arrival of the note conveying the ultimatum from St. Peters- burg, insisting upon the unconditional acceptance of the convention de- manded by Prince Menschikoff and refused by the Porte.

A private telegraphic despatch from Vienna, received in Paris yester- day, states that Russia had accepted the mediation of Austria; but al- though it sent up the funds on the Paris Bourse, contradictory reports sent them down again.

The Papal Nuncio at Paris, M. Garibaldi, died on Thursday, of apo- plexy.

A telegraphic despatch from Trieste, received this morning, states that Nankin had fallen into the hands of the insurgent Chinese army. The latest accounts from Constantinople are to the 9th instant. They announce the arrival of the note conveying the ultimatum from St. Peters- burg, insisting upon the unconditional acceptance of the convention de- manded by Prince Menschikoff and refused by the Porte.

A private telegraphic despatch from Vienna, received in Paris yester- day, states that Russia had accepted the mediation of Austria; but al- though it sent up the funds on the Paris Bourse, contradictory reports sent them down again.

The Papal Nuncio at Paris, M. Garibaldi, died on Thursday, of apo- plexy.

A telegraphic despatch from Trieste, received this morning, states that Nankin had fallen into the hands of the insurgent Chinese army.