18 JUNE 1853, Page 11


The English Stock Market has continued throughout the week in a very sensitive condition; which is likely to be the prevailing feature so long as the intelligence on the Turkish question is so varied in its character. It occupies public attention to such a degree that the conversion of Consols and Reduced at the Bank of England has been nearly suspended; 3751. 118. 3d. Two-and-a-half per Cents being the only amount of Stock accepted this week. Upon the whole, however, the Funds have exhibited firnmess,,and the decline of last week has been more than recovered. On Monday an im- provement of a was established on receipt of higher prices from Paris, and foreign news conveying the impression that the Emperor of Russia had moderated his views. On Tuesday, in consequence of a further rise on the French Bourse, Consols improved to 981 ; which, with the exception of a few intermediate fluctuations, was maintained up to the close. On Wednes- day, several changes occurred, and the final quotation was lower, owing to a reaction of more than 1 per cent in French prices, and telegraphic informa- tion from Vienna, (in which city, however, it had produced no unfavour- able efiect on the Funds,) that the Russian army will cross the Pruth. Such an event has been rather anticipated on our Exchange, but its actual realization is not expected for the next day or two. Yester- day, the Funds presented no alteration. The highest prices have been realized today ; Consols having been done at 99 this morning, notwithstand- ing the information of the sailing of the English fleet from Malta and the French squadron from Salamis for the Dardanelles ; and, having sub- sequently receded to 98a f, close 981 Rather extensive sales of Exche- quer Bills have been made during the week, and yesterday they wero done as low as par. Today they have rallied a little, closing at 3 to 6 premium. Money continues in great abundance in the Stock Exchange, and out of doors ; on Government Securities the rate is not higher than from 1 to 11 per cent. Foreign Stocks have been well supported; the recovery in Consols during the week causing a demand in several of the leading securities which have advanced to the following extent. Sardinian and Russian Five per Cents, 2; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, Belgian, Chiller', Danish Three, Dutch Four per Cents, and Austrian Five per Cents, 1; Dutch Two-and-a- half per Cents, and Swedish Loan, 4. In the speculative descriptions the greatest improvement has been in Mexican, which, owing to purchases, rose yesterday to 281 I, and is today 281: I. Spanish Three per Cents are 4 ; Deferred, ; Granada Deferred, better. Brazilian is 1 lower. Buenos Ayres declined 4 on Monday, on the arrival of unfavourable news from the River Plate, describing the progress of the contest between Urquiza and the Government : a blockade had been raised by Urquiza's squadron, but which has been recognized by the representatives of foreign states. The Stock fell on the receipt of the news to 60; but has since rallied 2, end is today 62 5. Australian Agricultural Shares have advanced this week 12/. ; they are now 74 6. Railways have partly recovered from the depression of last week. Tues- day, on the settlement of the Account, a scarcity of Shares was exhibited, and the rates for "continuation" were moderate. A rally which occurred at the commencement of the week was daily increased to a moderate extent, until yesterday, when there was a little reaction. London and North-west- ern and Great Western then fe11108. At the close, the improvement in sonic of the leading lines compared with Saturday last was to the following ex- tent. Great Northern, 21. 10s.; South-eastern, 21. 5s. ; York and North Midland, 21.; Caledonian, I/. 108.; Great Western, and Midland, 11. 58. ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, Lancashire and Yorkshire, London, Brighton, and South Coast, London and North-western, Londun and South- western, North British, Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 1/. ; East Lancashire, 108. Shrewsbury and Bir- mingham have declined 1/. The advance in Foreign Shares has been-Paris and Rouen, 3/. ; Paris and Lyons, and Western of France, 21. 10,. ; Paris and Strasbourg, 21. 23.. 6d. ; Rouen and Havre, 2/. ; Northern of France, it. 178. 6t1.; Grand Junction of France, and Sambre and Meuse, U. 58. ; Paris and Orleans, 1/. Today there has been an improvement in the Eng- lish and Foreign lines ; the principal shares being from 58. to 10s. higher.


In the English Stock Market the Funds have not recovered from prices they receded to after official hours yesterday : Consols for Account are 96: Exchequer Bills 3 6. In Foreign Stocks there is no new feature, and bltsi- ness is inactive. No movement of any importance has yet occurred in It tit- ways. Bargains in the following lines have been recorded-London and North- western, 116; York, Newcastle, and Berwick Extension, 12g; P aria and Lyons, 26+; Paris and Strasbourg, 36k.

3 84

98} DutchDanish 3 per Cents

9. per Cent Consols 641 :51 99.1 Mexican 3 per Cents i Ditto 4 per Cents 96 7 Dutch 21 per Cents

28i a 5 15-16 Peruvian Scrip par. 1 pin. 228 9 Portuguese 4 per Cents 39 40 9 6 Russian 5 per Cents 118 20 shut Ditto ty per Cents 1021

99 101 Spanish 3 per Cents 48 9 96 S Ditto Deferred 23 102 4 Sardinian 5 per Cents 941 51 104 6 Austrian 5 per Cents 98 109 Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

at per Cents

Long Annuities

Bank Stock

Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents