18 JUNE 1864, Page 3

The New Zealand mails show that General Cameron had incurred

no defeat, but, on the contrary, had achieved new and very import- ant successes. The disaster reported last week was to a force in the Taranaki settlement, ever the most unfortunate, where Captain Lloyd, of the 57th, and 100 men were attacked unexpectedly, and when much scattered, by a body of Maories concealed in rifle-pits. The troops fled, and Captain Lloyd fell in attempting to rally them. Six men were killed and fourteen wounded. Orakau, a very strong place, had been carried by Colonel Carey, on the 30th March, after some trouble, the Maories making a rush out at the last, in which some of them escaped, and Maungatautari had been abandoned by the Maories on hearing of the defeat at Orakau in despair. Colonel Cameron is therefore making steady progress in

the north, and the turn of the disaffected tribes at Taranaki will come before long.