18 JUNE 1904, Page 23

Naw Enrrnms.—Immortality: Thirty - five Chapters. By A. W. Momerie, LL.D. (H.

R. Allenson. 6d.)—The Rise of the Dutch Republic, by John Lothrop Motley, 3 vols. (G. Bell and Sons, 6s. net), issued in the "York Library," with Mr. Moncure Conway's Biographical Introduction, first prefixed to the edition of 1896. There is in this an interesting story which we may re- produce. In 1839 Mr. Motley wrote a novel, "Morton's Hope" ; in 1869 he came to this country as United States Minister, and an enterprising publisher announced "a novel by the United States Minister." . He had forgotten what it was like ; went to the British Museum to read it, and found it "engrossed by the publisher's copyist" ; was invited by the chief librarian to be his guest and read it on Sunday, and bonght the publisher off.— Brotenlow North : the Story of his Life and Work. By the Rev. Kenneth Moody-Stuart. (p. Thynne. 2s.)----The Pocket Atlas of the World. By John Bartholomew. (J. Walker:. 2s. 6d. net.) —A Modern Bee Farm, by S. Simmins (Woodford Fawcett and Co., 5s.), or to give the highly attractive alternative title, ".e300 per Annum from 30 Acres."