18 JUNE 1910, Page 1


IT was announced on Friday that Mr. Asquith and Mr. Balfour had come to an agreement in regard to a Conference, and that'it will begin its deliberations at once,— probably next Wednesday. When Mr. Asquith and Mr. Balfour met on Thursday the Prime Minister was accom- panied by the Lord Chancellor and Mr. Balfour by Lord Lansdowne. It may be presumed, therefore, that these will be members of the Conference. No doubt the present Chan- cellor of the Exchequer and the last Unionist Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Austen Chamberlain, will also be members. We have dealt with the whole question elsewhere, but may mention here that Friday's papers contain the report of a conversation in the House of Commons between Mr. Wedgwood and Mr. Asquith which shows that the Prime Minister is not willing to give facilities for the discussion of Mr. Wedgwood's Resolutions. We note that Mr. T. P. O'Connor in this week's issue of Reynolds's Newspaper tries to frighten both sides by declaring that the negotiations are perilous to both parties, and still more perilous to the " dis- tinguished gentlemen who have been thrust by events into them." Each of these distinguished gentlemen, "with all his power, prestige, and past, takes his political life in his hands." We trust the " distinguished gentlemen " in question will meet these endeavours to frighten them out of doing their duty with the contempt which they deserve.