18 MARCH 1837, Page 19


The First Volume of the long-talked-of Memoirs of The Life of Sir Miner Scott, by Mr. LOCKHART.

Johnsoniana. A very judicious, amusing, and instructive selec- tion from the minor biographers, memoir-writers, anecdote- mongers, scrap-gatherers and other hangers-on of the Leviathan of Literature; handsomely printed, and enriched with forty or fifty engravings, portraits, and autographs of the hero and friends, as well as views of places vvhich have become memorable from his connexion with theni. It is in fact the cream of the new, and the selected matter from the ten-volume edition, printed in octavo to match with CROKER'S, or indeed with any other "Buswell's Johnson ;" superseding, so far as collection can super- sede, HAWKINS, PLOZZ1, et id genus (mine.