18 MARCH 1837, Page 19


Under this head, the work of the highest merit is most pro- bably Mr. W,urn's vtrations if Haman Li fe; though the au- thor denies the intention of writing a novel even in the case of Tremaine or De Vere, and stoutly repudiates the idea of consi- dering his present as any thing more than a didactic work. The most amusing book amongst them is, doubtless. THEODORE Hoox's Jack Brag. Of the other two we can only say, as yet, that Miss BOYLE'S State Prisoner is a first attempt ; and that the Married Unmarried is by the author of Almack's Revisited,—a person of whom, as they say in cases of doubtful reference, we aught to know something, but cannot remember what.