18 MARCH 1843, Page 19


From March 10th to March 16th.


Miss Pen and her Niece; or the Old Maid and the Young One. By Mrs. STONE, Authoress of "The Art of Needlework," &c. In three volumes.

The Wives of England, their Relative Duties, ecomestic Influence, and Social obligations. By the Author of "The Women of England. Critical and Historical Essays, contributed to the " Edinburgh Review." By THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY. In three volumes.

Hand-hi ohfor Travellers in Central Italy, including the Papal States, Rome, and the Cities of Etruria. With a Travelling Map.

History of Letter-Writing, from the Earliest Period to the Fifth Century. By WILLIAM ROBERTS, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. [This rather ample volume is a collection of letters, Greek, Roman, and Chris- tian, down to the fifth century ; the principal authors being CICERO, SENECA, and PLINY; though genuine letters of early dates are inserted, and the spu- rious epistles of Pnettnis, &c. are noticed, and specimens quoted. In addi- tion to this colleetunea, there are original essays on the origin of writing, the various materials used at different periods for the practice of the art, the forms of ancient letters, and their transmission by ancient posts, together with a ge- neral view of each class of epistles, and comments on particular letters, some- times as long as the text itself, if not longer. The different epistles are well- chosen, whether with respect to their intrinsic merits or as illustrations of the character or the age of the writer; the general essays on ancient letters and letter-writing are learned and pleasant, though rather end y clopsedic : but the outpourings on particular letters might often be spare, and perhaps are rarely necessary. The best point of the volume, is that it furnishes the reader in a compendious form with well-chosen and sufficient specimens of ancient letters.]

Derangements, Primary and Reflex, of the Organs of Digestion ; with an Addition, containing Notices of Brandy and Salt, Homoeopathy:, the Cold Water Treatment, Liebig's new views in Animal Chemistry, with a new method of treating cases of Functional Neuralgia, by the Author. By ROBERT DICK, M.D., Author of "A Treatise on Diet and Regimen."

[This work is an able treatise on digestion, by a sensible and observing phy- sician; but, having reached us formerly at a busy season, and some considerable time after its publication, when its novelty had passed off, we never found an Opportunity to recur to it. The additions to the new issue involve some Condemnatory remarks on the systems of homceopathy, cold-water treatment, and salt and brandy; the exposure of the last being the best. The principle of the new Method of treating functional neuralgia, is to get up a sort of spon- taneous galvanism in the body, b.v the use of zinc and other medleines.1 Hastings considered as a Resort for Invalids. By Ursa hiscsamta, M.D.

[Dr. MACHNESS is physician to the Hastings Dispensary ; and having noticed sonic of our most dangerous diseases to be of rare occurrence among its patients, he was induced to classify the whole of the cases which had occurred in the institution during a period of twelve years. By this and other statistical means, he arrives at the conclusion that tubercular consumption is compara- tively infrequent in this locality; also contagious disorders, and some kinds of fever.

" Only seven cases of typhus fever have occurred in the practice of the Dispensary during the twe:ve sears. and only six eases of death are registered as reselling from this cause for the whole of Hastings. During the past year, although 1.250 patients were admitted, nit a single case of, this fever was among them. According to the report of the Registrar-General, the proportion of deaths zanier; from typhus fever in the whole kingdom, is abut one f, r every sixteen of those who die from other causes the mortality at Hastings has been only sir eases out of 865 deaths, or only in the pro- portion of one for every 144; so that this fatal and dreadful malady his been nine times less frequent at Hastings than the usual average in other parts of England. It will be seen by the table that upwards of 400 cases if simple continued lever have been under medical treatment at the Dispeusary during twelve years. One of the most fertile sources in originating and propagating this disease was imperfect drainage- Formerly an uncovered brook, called the • Bourne.' acted as the common sewer of a great part of the town; and although care was taken to wash out this brook frequently, by means of a stream of water let on by a flood gate from a reservoir reserved for the purpose, yet the emanations arising from partially decomposed animal and vegetable matter, its a densely-populated neighbourhood, were any thing but conducite to the health of the inhabitants. The Bourne was covered over in theyear 1834; since which period. this disease has gradually decreased, and almost entirely disappeared : in the year 1840, only thirteen cases, and during the last year only three eases of this disease. occurred in the Dispensary practice."

Some thermometrical and barometrical tables are also introduced, together with an analysis of a chalybeate in the neighbourhood. Although without any claim to originality in its general remarks, it is a useful and sensible little work. At page 96 an anecdote is erroneously quoted of " Dr." Cosine, which should be attributed to his brother, Mr. GEORGE Costar.]

The Philosophical Works of John Locke. With a Preliminary Discourse and Notes, by J. A. Sr. JOHN, Esq., Author of "The History of the Manners, Customs, Arts, &c. of Ancient Greece."

it is rather a good idea to have combined the philosophical writings of Loom in one compact and well-got-up volume; and Mr. St. Joan, the editor, seems to have improved upon himself in good style and good taste, both in the Preliminary Discourse and the Notes.] The Duties of the Married State; to which are prefixed Observations on the true ground of the Duty of Parents to their Children, and on its general nature and offices; with valuable hints on the education of a family. By JAMES FOSTER, D.D. [A selection from the writings of Dr. JAMES FOSTER on the reciprocal duties of husbands and wives, and of parents to their children. The matter of these essays is excellent ; but being founded on the Scriptural nature of man, and abounding with quotations, the manner is somewhat formally theological.]

Leisure HOW'S. By J. C. STEWART.

[A small collection of short poems on common subjects. They are fluently and naturally written, without much straining after effect ; but their nature scarcely rises above " every-day " nature .] The Portion of Jezreel ; a Sacred Drama. By the Reverend RICHARD BEACON BRADLEY, Incumbent Curate of Ash Priors and Cothelestone, Somerset. Second edition.

[The second edition, which this sacred drams has reached, seems rather to be owing to personal estimation of the author, the character of the theme, anti the well-sounding rhetoric of the versification, than to any dramatic merit; for the idiosyncracies of the different characters are not marked in their dis- course,—which seems all to emanate from one person.]

The Gardener and Practical Florist. First volume. 1843.

[The collection into a volume of the numbers of a periodical work devoted to gardening. It appears to be a useful publication; consisting of original and selected papers, with a sufficient variety in the character of the subjects treated of; w hich embrace practical gardening, the principles of taste, of botany, &m. on which the practice rests, and descriptions of foreign horticulture.]

Miserrimus, or the Broken Heart ; a Drama, in five acts. By T. H.



Thornton's History of the British Empire in India, Vol. IV. Part V.


Asiatic Journal for March.


Etchings. By WILLIAM COLLINS, WA. Part I.

[There is a charm about these unpretending sketches of rustic character, that is not found in many works of higher aim and greater elaboration; and it con- sists in that true feeling for the simplicity of nature which is manifest in all the works of this truly English painter of the old school. The first part of the work, the extent of which is not indicated, contains six etchings, small and large, of groups and figures that are met with on the beach in the neighbour- hood of a fishing-village. The two "Fishermen Waiting the Tide" are no dressed-op models, but genuine characters, their faces and attitudes being no less characteristic than their costume ; and the urchins exploring the treasures of " The Landing-Net" are "native and to the manner born." The largest and most complete composition is "Buying Fish "; a study for a picture : the deliberation of the housewife, who has set down her basket and is estimating. the value of the fish and the contents of her pocket at the same time, the patient attitude of the seller, and the intentness of the children looking on, are expressed with graphic truth. The etchings are free and delicate, and their artistic qualities include indications of atmospheric effect. Only 500 impressions will he taken ; the plates being then cancelled.] A View of the Lighthouse to be built on the Goodwin Sands, or on the Verne in the Channel between Folkestone and Cape Grisnex, in four fathoms water. W. BUSH, C.E., Patentee.

[This is a representation of the complete structure of the "Light for All Nations," proposed to be erected by Mr. Busti in the Channel, on a plan patented by him ; and recommended to the consideration of Parliament by several merchants, shipownere, and other influential persons.. It consists of Doric column 125 feet high, supporting a lantern 12 feet. in diameter, sur- mounted by a colossal statue of the Queen, her sceptre being the _point of a lightning-conductor. This column rises from a base of 100 teet high and 50 feet in diameter, formed by a alisS0011 composed of cast-iron plates bolted together: the part under water is divided into four pyramidal chambers, open- ing into and supporting cne another ; the lower one resting on the rock beneatla the sands, and the whole forming a conical core to the cylindrical base. The plan is bold and ingenious : its practicability, experiment alone can determine,


but it is certainly entitled to attention ; and it has been referred by the Roma of Commons to the Select Committee on Shipwrecks.] Roberts's Holy Land. Part VIII. [The two interiors in this part, the Church of St. Helena at Bethlehem and the Shrine of the Nativity—the latter being the subject of one of the mesa tanking pictures of the Diorama—surpass in force and brilliancy of effect any previous plates in this beautiful work. The boldness and precision with which the architectural forms are indicated, the masterly grouping and drawing of the figures, the evenness and clearness of the graduated tints, anti the sparkliag lustre of the white lights, characterize the perfection of chalk lithography. This has been attained by Lours BACHE, uniting in his own person the skill of a finished draughtsman and the powers of an accomplished artist. The large views of Bethlehem and the valley of the Jordan are comparatively cold, monotonous, and colourless; for Mr. ROBERTS has not the art of giving natu- ral effect to landscape-scenes: the pictorial effects in his interiors are artifi- cial: the vignettes of Bethany and Jericho owe their attractiveness as pic- tures mainly to the exquisite groups of figures in the foregrounds.] .A Manual for Teaching Model-Drawing from Solid Forms ; the Models founded on those of M. Dupuis; combined with a popular view of Per- spective, and adapted to the elementary instruction of classes in schools and public institutions. By BUTLER WILLIAMS, C. E. F. G. S., Director of the Drawing-Classes at Exeter Hall, Professor of Geodesy in the College for Civil Engineers, and author of " Practical Geodesy." (Under the sanction of the Committee of Council on Education.) [This work is designed for the guidance of teachers of drawing according tO fin method of M. DUPUIS adopted in the Drawing-Classes at Exeter Hall; and viewed with reference to this purpose it is very ably done: the clearness with which every point is elucidated by definitions and diagrams is admirable; and a good deal of information, useful to be known on the subject, is given in ad- dition to the necessary directions for conducting classes. The optical plueno- rnena which govern the apparent forms of objects are fully and distinctly ex- plained; the exercises exemplifying the changes that take place in the length and direction of lines by shifting the point of view being the most complete and valuable portion of the volume.1 Jack the Giant-hiller. By the Author of " The Comic Latin Grammar." With illustrations by LEECH. (Comic Nursery Tales.) [The effort to be droll is so obvious both in the cuts and the verse, that this burlesque of the nursery legend fails of provoking laughter. Smartness is the substitute for humour, and slang for wit, in the narrative; and the designer shows more real talent for the graceful than the grotesque.]


Graham's Town and the Outposts, with their bearings and distances. PAMPHLETS.

A Letter to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel, Bart., on the Appointment of a Commission for Promoting the Cultivation and Im- provement of the Fine Arts; with some suggestions respecting a former Commission denominated "The Committee of Taste." By TonN BACON, Esq., F.S.A. The Second Report of the British Swimming Society. Instituted 1841 to promote health, cleanliness, and the preservation of life, by extending the practice of bathing, and teaching and encouraging the art of swim- ming.


nu Tell ilk, 0/a! my Mother. The words by Miss AGNES STRICK- LAND, the music by Mrs. KINGSTON.