18 MARCH 1843, Page 9



In neither House of Parliament, last night, was the business attrac- tive. The Commons were for the most part engaged in Committee with the Registration of Voters Bill. All the remaining clauses vt ere dis- posed of, with the exception of some postponed ; the chief of which was clause 38, instituting a court of appeal composed of three barristers. The difficulties are, that practising barristers are not the best judges in appeal, but there is not sufficient business for permanent judges. Among the amendments, was one by Lord Howrca to limit the votes for tenements to One occupier instead of joint tenants, and el mses by Mr. Correen to limit county-polling to one day, and by Mr. HARDY to test the claim to vote for 10/. houses by the Poor-law rating ; which Sir JAM Es GRAIIA3I said could already be done. Mr. Cowper's clause was rejected, by 143 to 66; the other proposals of alteration were with- drawn.

Mr. SHARMAN CRA.WFORD'S motion to secure the full representation of the People and shorten Parliaments, which was baulked by the counting-out of the House on Thursday, was fixed for Thursday the 30th instant.

In the other House, the Marquis of LANSDOWNE, moving for the correspondence between Sir Henry Pottinger and the British merchants at Canton, urged the expediency of establishing proper authority and tribunals at Hong-kong, to exert control over the intercourse and trade of the British with the Chinese. Lord ABERDEEN said that the necessary steps would he taken after the ratification of the Nankin treaty ; but that could not be this session.

A motion on the Scotch Church question, of which Lord CA3IPBELL had given notice, was postponed to Monday the 27th instant ; and a motion respecting the Scotch Poor-law, by the Earl of ROSEBERRY, was also postponed.