18 MARCH 1949, Page 20


Sus,—In A Spectator's Notebook of March 4th I read: —Daily Mail : "Mr. Attlee intends to lead the election battle and then retire from active politics." Janus: " I do not believe it for a moment. Why should the Prime Minister do anything of the kind ? He is in excellent health, shows no sign of age, and I decline to believe that the Prime Minister has any thought of retiring after the General Election." I now turn to one of Sir Stanley Reed's admirable weekly letters to the Times of India : " Mr. Attlee is a tired man. His health is broken. He has aged considerably, and will shortly retire from active politics." I don't know anything about the writer in the Daily Mail, but I believe both the Editor of the Spectator and Sir Stanley Reed sit occasionally in the House of Commons, on the benches directly opposite to Mr. Attlee. It seems to me that this little problem of Mr. Attlee's health is one for authorities on relativity, and I have now passed it on to an Indian friend —an authority on the subject—I am, Sir, yours, &c., J. D. JENKINS.
