18 MAY 1833, Page 11



During the early part of the week, most descriptions of Stock continued at the prices of last week ; but intelligence having 1,een received yesterday from Amsterdam, of an improvement in the price of Dutch Stock in that City, a re- port of the speedy settlement of the Belgian question has been revived; and Con- sols for Account, which were at 874, have been to-day 88, and close at 87 88. Bank Stock has been all the week at 195 and 196; but is to-day at 194i. Ex- chequer Bills hose improved, and are at 50s. 52s. prem. India Stock is steady. Money continues very abundant ; and if the political circumstances of the country should become less unsettled, a great improvement may be expected in most descriptions of security. The proposed plan of Slave emancipation has been the subject of much discussion; but it is generally believed that it will be so modified (at least in the pecuniary part of it) as to render unnecessary, or postpone for a long time, the loan of fifteen millions.

The Foreign Stocks generally have been rather in demand; and in the last two days the prices of some of them have risen materially. Dutch Stock, which

was at 451,1 4, has to-day been as high as 46a, and closes at 46/1 Brazilian Bonds have been at 64,2„ but have since improved; and are now 65i 4. Rus- sian and Danish Bonds are in demand, at a slight advance on last week's prices. Portuguese Bonds and Regency Scrip have been rather in demand during the week ; but the price of the former has never exceeded 34,1. The latter has been as high as 3iis dis. We are still without any intelligence from Oporto; but if the same zeal and energy is manifested there in employing, as has been evinced here in collecting and forwarding succours, the next intelligence must he of a very favourable nature. Spanish Stock, which was as low as 14, has been as high as 19k, and is now 19t1, A. Intelligence has been received from Venezuela, of the intention of that portion of the Republic of Columbia to make arrange- ments similar to those entered into by the Mexican Government for the liquida- tion of its quota of the Colombian Debt ; but this news, though gratifying to the Bondholders, has riot produced much effect on the price of the Stock, which has only slightly advanced on its previous quotation.


It is very generally believed in the City, that another of those terminations of the Dutch. and Belgian dispute which have been so frequently predicted, but never realized, is about to take ?lace; and it is very confidently reported, that in the course of the next week the embargo will be removed. These reports, in conjunction with that of the establishment of peace between the Sultan and his rebel Viceroy (which is also current), have caused an improvement in the Money Market; and Consols for Account are at 884. Bank Stock has been at 194i and 193i. India Stock is higher, viz. 2291- 230,k. Exchequer Bills are 50,51, 52.

In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock and Brazilian Bonds are in demand, at higher prices than yesterday; but the transactions of the morning have been on a very limited scale. Brazilian Bonds are also nominally higher. Intelligence has been received from Falmouth, of the arrival of a ship of war at that port from Vera Cruz, with 800,000 dollars; of which 62,000 have been remitted by the Mexican Government on account of the dividends : the Stock of the Re- public is consequently at a nominally higher quotation, though we are not aware that any bargains have been effected in it. Colombian Bonds tr.? tlso hightr. The intelligence from Oporto has not produced any effect on Portuguese Bonds or Regency Scrip; which .are at ycsterday's quotations, as is also Spanish Stock.

3 per Cent. Cousols ..88 Ditto for Account. ..8.3 * New 39 p. Cent. Ann.95* Bank Stock.. 194459 India Stock 2294309 Exchequer Bills 50 51 Belgian 5 p. Cts. 86* I

Brazilian 5 p. CtF. 654 6 Danish 3 per Cents. 73 Dutch 29 per Cents. 463 French 3 per Cents. — Greek (l e25)5 p.Cts. — Mexican 6 p. Cents. 34i Portuguese 5p. Cts. 54 5 Do. RegencySe.5p.CL34 Prussian(lS1S)5p.Ct.— — Russ. (1822) 5p„CL 102} 34 Spanish(1S21) 6 p*Ct• 19i t