18 MAY 1844, Page 11

The two rival necromancers, who now vie with each other

in making folks believe that " nothing is but what is not," attract numbers of visiters ; who go to see their feats resolutely determined not to be de- ceived, and bent on detecting the tucks; but who come away with a humbled estimate of their own perspicacity, and an exalted notion of the powers of the conjurors who have baffled them so entirely.

Herr MIDLER, of the St. James's, is a magician of astounding art and consummate dexterity ; and his ingenuous and engaging manner so dis- arms suspicion, that, but for his German speech and student costume— which smell strongly of brimstone and the black art—one would be inclined to distrust his potency. But he makes science the handmaid to his delusions ; while his manual dexterity is alone adequate to confound the sight. The way in which he makes things vanish, as if into air, from between his fingers, is incredible : seeing is no longer believing. The Wizard of the North, at the Adelphi, is likewise an expert operator, with a bold tuad off hand manner, designed to impress the company with his omnipotent skill ; though it is really too great to need such an air of assumption. His power of transporting rabbits and rings, oranges and watches, to and from isolated boxes, is extraordinary.