18 MAY 1844, Page 19



On the 30th Apia. at Dunmore Park, the Wife of Jour; Teems a gamekeeper of the Marquis of Ormoncle, of four children. Two ot them, (boys,) with the mother, are doing welt; the other two were still-born.

On the 7th May, at Bath, the Lady of Lieutenant HAI/mom Fourteenth Light Dra- goons, of a sou.

On the 711., at Bilbrough Hall, Yorkshire, the Lady of Captain CHILDERS THoMPSON, of a daughter.

'On the 11th, at Kemp Town, Brighton, the Lady of Sir WILLIAM PomErr. M.P., of a SOH.

On the 11th. at the house of her father. Joseph Somes, Esq., New Grove. Mile End, the Lady of TeozaAs COLTER. Esq., of Parruek Hall. Milton, of a daughter. Os the 13111. in St. Helen's Place, Mrs. G. De Bosco ATrwoon. of a daughter.

On the 141h, at Wanslead Rectory. the Lady of the Rev. W. P. Wreaks!. of a son. Oa the 14th, at Kiug's Bromley Manor, Staffordshire. the Hum Mrs. limier()); LANs, of FA daughter.

On the 151h, at Mrs. RAvsesceores, Portland Place, Viscountess HEREFORD, of a son. On the 151h, in Brvanston Square, the Hon. Mrs. PARNELL, of a son.

On the 15th, the Lady of the Hon. SPENCER D. Moe-rams of a daughter.


Ou.the 8th May, at St. Pancras, RAYMOND D'Aacv Newrorr, Esq., of Kensington, and Warwick Square, to HENRIETTA, second daughter of SAMPSON GOLDSMID, Esq., of Meek lenburgh. Square. On the 8th. at Frankfort-on-the-Maine, Allmon FARRE, M.D., of Curzon Street, Mayfair. to JESSIE BETHUNE, eldest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel MACDONALD. C.B.. and K. St. A., late commanding her Majesty's Thirty filth Regiment, and formerly of the Royals.

On the 9th, at Walcot Church, Bath, WILLIAM PERCEY CosT, Esq., eldest son of the Hon. William Oust, to Emma MATILDAsouly child of the late W. CHAPLIN. Esq., formerly Commissioner of the Deccan.

On the llth, at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, Lieutenant-Colonel FRASER. Royal Artillery. to CATHERINE, eldest daughter of the late ROBERT Hameiroe, Esq.. of Fenton. Staffordshire.

On the 141.h, at Long Mefferd. Suffolk. the Rev. Geoacre Cowman. M.A., Rector of Glemsford. and youugest son of the late James Coldham, Esq., of /limier Hall, Nei-folk, to HENRIETTA. eldest daughter of the Rev. H. B. Fattintssa, MA., Westgate House, Lang Mellor& Suffolk.

On the 1411i, at Hertford. RICHARD. eldest son of Mr. ORG0RBRIDGE, of Paternoster Row, to MARY Arne, eldest daughter of Mr. Smarm of Herfford.

On the 15th, at St. Mary's, Lambeth, the Rev. J. E. Cox. M.A., of All Souls College, Oxford. to EMILY CLARA, youngest daughter of the late Jane PITTMAN, Esq., of Ware ick Square and South Lambeth.

On the lfith, at K now le Church.Warwickshire, JAMES ROBERTS WEST. Esq., of Alscot Park, Gloucestershire, to ELIZABETH third daughter of JOSEPH MOORE Butrurees, Esq., and Lady ELIZABETH BOULTBEE, of Springfield House. Warwickshire. Lately , at East Pilton. Colonel Matteis; Neeerer Ross. K ' .S.F. youngest son of the

late Lieutsuaut-Colonel John Ross. of Castlecraig. Rumsbire, to Sweatt FEGGOATT. of Astley Hall and Bedford, Lancashire, Widow of Captain Joust ADAM LURIE.


On the 31st March, at St. Kilt',, THOMAS CHRISTOPHER Mew= LETHBRIDGE, EN., Lieutenant Eighty-fifth Light Infantry, eldest son of John Hesketli Lethbridge, Esq., and araudesusaf Sir Thereat Buckler Lethbeidge, Bart., or Sand hill Park, Somerset.

On the 27th April. at Lisbon. General Sir THOMAS WILLIAM STUBBS.

On the 5111 May. iu Galway Street, City Road. Mr. Smogs Rummest Intl-1180th yes/. On the 6th, MARY LOVA1T, Wile of JOHN AMMO= Wise, Esq., of GIs) tun Staffordshire; iu her 27th year. On the 7th, at Miley Cottage, Ahergavenny, Major-General WILLIAM PaussraPantk, Hon. East India Campus's Civil Service; it, his 6811, year.

On the 7th. at Traffurd Park, Lancashire, THOMAS WILLIAM Da Taarroao. Fag.; second son of Sir Thomas Joseph de Traffurd, Bart., and late Captain iu the Royal Scotch Greys. Os the 7th. in the Close, Salisbury. MAGDALEN, the Wife of the Rev. Walsall Laza BOWLES, one of the Canons Residentiary. On the 7th. at the Maine or Mauchlioe, the Rev. Joins Ton, minister of the parish, in ids 77th year, and fortieth of his ministry.

Oa the 9th, at Ruthesay, ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, Esq., M.P. for the Kilmarnock District of Burghs.

Ou the 10th, at Cratiley, Surrey, the Hon. and Rev. EDWARD Some Ttrairoust.

of St. Mary Hall. Oxfold. and A.M. of Cambridge. sun of Emilio, first Earl df WINTERTON ; in h,is6tth year.

On the 12111. at Duou House, Rottingdean. Emu JANE, Wife of Wirmast E. FREIE, Erg., Bombay Civil Service, and eldest daughter of Major Geueral OSBORNE, Of


getty House, Cheshunt, Herts ; in her 27th year. On the lath, at Swillingtun House, Yorkshire, Sir Imre LowTeee, Bart.; in his 85th year.

On the 14th. in Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park, Geoitoe Atioosrus Wisioperoo Esq.. Barrister at-Law. third son of the late John Wingfield, D.D., Prebendary of Worcester Cathedral; in his 25th year.

Lately, at Tenterden. Mr. LAWRENCE HOLDEN. iu his 91st year; probably the oldest Dissenting Minister in the kingdom, baring discharged the pastoral office to une con- gregation seventy years.