18 MAY 1844, Page 20



(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

Alabama (Sterling) 51n. Ct. - Mexican 5 p. Ct.

Austrian a - Ill Ditto (Deferred) 5 - Belgian 5 - 1031 Michigan 6 Brazilian 5 - 801 Mississippi (Sterling) ...6 Buenos Ayres 6 - - Neapolitan Cuba 6 - - New York (1858) Chiliau 6 - - Ohio Columbian of 1824 6 - 14/ Pennsylvania Danish 3 - - Peruvian Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 21 - 601 Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 1004 French 3 - - Ditto 5 -- - Indiana (Sterling) 5 - Illinois 6 - 40 Kentucky 6 - 93 Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - - Maryland (Sterling) 5 - - Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 - - BULLION.METALS.

Gald,Foreign tailor. ...per as. 3I. 17. ed. !Copper. British Caltes.per ton 881. Os. to 0 I 6 Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollus.. 0 0 0 Iron. Ihitish Wes 6 3 II - 1101

Mexlesn Dollars 0 4 91 Lead, British Pig 17 0 0 -.. • II

Silver In Bars, Standard 0 4 11e Steel, English 0 e o -0 II GRAIN, Mark Lane, May 17.

AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial of Englatul and Wale.. For the present Week. Wheat 55s. ad. Rye 30s. Od, Wheat II, ad 1 Rye 10. ad

Barley... .... SO 5 Beans ... . .. 81 7 Barley ...... .. 6 0 Beans .. 10 6 Oat. ..... .... 20 2 Peas .. at 7 Oats .... ...... 6 0 Peas ••••• . 10 I Weekly Averages for the Week ending. May IT. Wheat, 5501Id.-Barley, Si., 51.-Oat., Mt. 54.-Rye, Ms. 4d-Been,,32s. 5d-Pests, W. bd.


BUTTER-Best Fresh, 124. 0.1.per doe. Carlow. 01.0*. tool, Os. per cwt.

BACON, Small Old, per cwt.... mato Os.

CHEESE. Cheshire 42a.to 74s.

Derby Plain 46s. to fele. HAMS, York 70s. so 14e;

EGGS, French... per ISO 3s. 4d .to es.Sd.


York Reds per ton 60s. to 00e.

Scotch Reds 45 s- 70

Demons 70 •■ 0

Kent and Essex Whites 55 ... AO

HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. POSTMAN. WWII:CI:TAPE!. Hey, Good M... 25. 50s... yils Os... Os 50... 70e.

Inferior 60 ... 66 u .. 0 New 0 ... 0 Clover 84 .. 105 80 .. 105 0 .. 0 60 .. 110 Wheat Straw 28 .. 32 26 .. SO 0 . 0 ..... TI .. 15


NEWGATE AND LEA DEN H A LL.• SMITHFIELD.. 13.ef Re. 6,1. to Bs. Od. to Ils.4d. 2..10d. to Is 4d to s.•loa. Mutton 2 8 .. 8 2 .. 8 8 50 ..5 8 .. 4 4

Veal 8 0 .. 3 8 .. 4 4 a II .. 4 0 .. 4 10

Pork 2 8 .., 3 9 .. 4 0 a 6 .810 .., 4 4 Lamb 55 .. 0 0 .. 5 8 .•• .... 6 • .. • • ..1 4

• To sink the offel-per albs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD. Beasts. tilhesp• Calves.. Pies. 59l .... ... 13,500 260 430

11.105 .. ..... . 30.430 ....... 101 WI


Rnp Oil Refined,.............par cwt oil. la 0.4 Linseed Oil ......... ....... 1 6 9 Linseed °Henke per 100a 0 0 0 CAN DLES,per dozen es.ed.to 00. 04. Mouldstoa. perdos:discount)

COALS, Helton OSn.Id.

Tess 52.03.

BRITISH FUN DS. (Closiug Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wednes 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 99 981 99 991 1011 101a 1011 104 1021 1021 1021 1021 121 12a 121 121

- 194 193 192 239 - 2874 77 pm. 74 71 71 94 pm. 92 - 94 3 per Cent. Consols ....... •

Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 31 per Cents Reduced New 31 per Ceuta Long Annuities

Bank Stock, 7 per cent.

India Stock, 10.1 Exchequer Bills, lid. p. diem India Builds. 31 per cent


991 99/ 981 1011 1021 121 192 286 68


99e 99i 981 1011 1024 124 192 287

69 94 SHARES.

(Last Oflicial Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)


Maims - Australasian Brazilian Imperial 11 British North American Ditto (St. John del Rey) 131 Colonial British Iron Londou and Westmi ester Candouga - London J • t Stock Cobre Copper 291 National of Ireland

RAILWAYS- National Provincial

Edinburgh and Glasgow 66 Provincial of Ireland Eastern Counties 12 elute Union of Australia Grand Junction 231 Union of London Great Western.. 119 Docss - Liverpool and Manchester - East and West India London and Brighton, 451 London

London and Blockwall 7+ Si. Katherine

Loudon and Greeilwich 61 MIIMELLANEOUS- London and Birmiugliam 224 Australian Agricultural Loudon and Croydon 19 British American Land Manchester and Leeds 106 Canada Midland Counties 89 General Steam North Midland 90 New Zealand South.eastern and Dover 381 Royal Mail Steam South-western 861 South Australian York and North Midland 1181 Van Diemeu's Land 43


27 144 141 341 44j- 264 , 121 ,

1381 111 114 28

Wheat,RedNea50 '054 Fine 54 .. 58 Old 50 .. 54 White 53 .. 56 Fine 58 513 SuperfineNeo56 60 Rye 551, 30 Barley 25 26 Malting 29 .. 30 Malt, Ordinary 54 -57 Fine 58 50 Peas, Hog.... SI ..52 Maple 81 to 83

White so. as

84 . Sr Beaos,Ticks 58 .. 30

Old 32 ...Se

Harrow. 34 .. 36 s. s• Oats,Feed flto112 Fine .. .22..92 Poland. 211 Fine 24.. 25 Potato 05..46 Fine 26 .. 27

Portuguese 5 Ditto (Converted) Russian 5 Spanish 5 Ditto 3 Ditto (Passive) Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina 5 p. Ct.

United States Bank 6 - 5 5 6 5 6


15+ 94+ 70 20+ 80 46+ 118i 23+ 35 51 131 22s.


Town-made per sack 45s . to 50s.

Seconds........ .................. 40 45 Esux and Suffolk, on board ship... 35 - 40

Norfolk and Stockton as - SS BRAN per quarter Os. to Oa. POLLARD, fine Os. to Os. BREA D, 644. to 814. the 41b. Loaf.


Kent Pockets. 1205 to IS!,.

Choice Ditto 180 - 180

Sussex Pockets 115 - ICR Fine Ditto 130 - 132


TEA, Bohea.line, p.lb. Os. Od. - 0 Congas, fine .........1 9 - n IS

Souchong, fine 1 a - S 5

• la Bond-Duty le.ld.per lb. COFFEE, thre(intat) per cwt. 1058. totals Goad Ordinary 54• to bee.

SUGAR,51u.covado.per mrt.1111 .1114.

West India Molasses... na. 0E. is 2114