18 MAY 1844, Page 8


[The Times publishes the following explanation of the changes in the several chief divisions on the two Factory Bills : it is more instruc- tive than the mere list of the last division would be, and has the merit of occupying comparatively little space.] Lord Ashley's proposition was sustained in a division on the 18th March by 179 to 170, giving a majority of 9 in a House comprising, Tellers included, 353. Members. On the 224 of the same month, that decision was confirmed by 186' to 183—a majority of 3, when 373 Members voted. The clause baying a simi- lar object, negatived on Monday last by 297 to 159, was decided by au assem- blage of 460 Members.

In the divisions of March 18, or on that of March 22, Lord Ashley was sup- ported by the following 88 Members, whose aid was withheld on Monday last, May 13. Acland. Thomas Dyke Ellice, Edward Martin. John Adore, Viscount Emlyn. Viscount Marton. George Alum. William FeHowes, Edward Maxwell, Hon. J. Pierce Antrobus, Edmund French. Fit,teplien Mordaunt, Sir John Archdall, Captain Mervyn Gladstone. Captain Monts. George Frederick Barclay. David Gore. Montagu Neville, Ralph Baskerville. Thomas B. M. Gore. William R. Ormsby Newport. Viscount Beresford, Major Goriug, Charles Newry, Viscount Berkeley, Hon. Captain Gregory, William Henry O'Connell. Daniel Blake, Martin J. Grimston. Viscount Parke, Charles William Buller, Charles Grogan. Edward Pakingtou. John S.

Butler, Hon. Colonel Hall, Sir Benjamin Palmer. George Carew, Hon. R. Shapland Hayes, Sir Edmund Palmer, Robert Cavendish. lion. C. C. Hervey, Lord Alfred Pennant. Hon. Colonel Cavendish, Hon. G. H. Hulloed, Robert Polhill, Frederick Chetwode, Sir John Hope, Alexander Praed, William T. Colville. Charles Robert Horsmati. Edward Reudlesham. Lord Copeland, Mr. Alderman Howard, Hon. C. W. G. Ross. David Robert

Cresswell, Baker Jocelyn, Viscount Round, Charles Grey

Currie. Raikes Johnstone, Sir John Ryder, Hon. Granville D.

Curteis, Herbert Barrett Knight, Henry Gaily Smith. Abel Dalrymple, Captain Knight. Frederick Wiuu Smollett, Alexander Davies, David A. Saunders Law, Hou. Charles Ewan Stanton, William Henry Douglas. James D. S. Legit, George Cornwall Stewart. John Duke, Sir James Leveson. Lord Sturt, Henry Charles Buncombe, Hon. 0. Lindsay, Hugh Hamilton Taylor, James Arthur Diindas, Admiral Lowther, John Henry Trotter, John Da Pre, C. George Macnamara. Major Vivian, John Henry Eaton, Richard Jefferson Mahon, Viscouut Egerton, Sir Philip Mainwaring, Townshend Of the above list, the following 15 Members recorded their votes directly in opposition to the proposition which they had previously supported.

Aldam, William Grimston, Viscount Maxwell. Hun. J. Pierce Barclay, Davidl Hope, Alexander Newry, Viscount Chetwode, Sir John Knight. Henry Gaily Palmer, George Currie. Raikes• Legit, George Cornwall Ross. David Robert Gore, Montagu Martin, John Trotter, John Lord Ashley was supported on Monday by the following 32 Members, who did not vote with him on either of the previous divisions.

Archbold, Robert Dundas, David O'Connell. Maurice Barnard, Edward George Esmonde. Sir Thomas Philipps, Sir R. B. P.

Bennett, John Heneage, Edward Pryee, l'ryse Bernal, Captain Howard, Sir Ralph Rediugton, Thomas N. Blake, Mark Must, Robert Henry Seale, Sir John Henry Blandford. Marquis of Jervis, John Shell. Right Hon. R. Lalor Brisco, Musgrave Johnson, General Smith, Benjamin Browne, Robert Dillon Lambton, Hedworth Somers. John Patrick Chelsea, Viscount Laugtou. William Gore Turner, Christopher Christie, William Dougal lan.ard, Captain Watson, William Henry Corbally, Matthew Elias Maher, Nicholas The Ministry were supported on the last division by 107 Members who had mot registered their votes on either of the previous occasions.

• This is a mistake, originating in an error of the official Division-lists. which we cor- rected when it was first made; but the Times repeats it, and obliges Mr. 'LAMES Corms -to claim correction of the error a second time—he never voted with Lord ASHLEY, but always against him.