18 MAY 1850, Page 11


"That this House will resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole House to take into consideration the Acts relating to the Importation of Foreign Corn "—Mr. Grantley Berkeley.

For the Motion (including Tellers) 186 Against it 300 Absent 169 The Speaker 1

Protectionist Minority.

England : Counties... 92 Boroughs.. 60 Scotland: Counties... 6 Boroughs.. 0 Ireland : Counties • • • 21 Boroughs.. 7


Free-trade Ifqjority. England : Counties... 37

Boroughs.. 188 Scotland: Counties... 13 Boroughs.. 19

Ireland : Counties... 23 Boroughs.. 20

--- 656

The Absent.

England : Counties... *80 Boroughs.. 91 Scotland: Counties... 11 Boroughs.. 4 Ireland : Counties... 20 Boroughs .. 14 170 186 300 • The Speaker is included.

Names of the 185 who voted for a return to Proteciion.


Bagge, William Norfolk, W.

Bagot, Hon. William Denbighshire Bailey, Joseph Brecknockshire Bankcs, George Dorsetshire Barrington, Viscount Berkshire Bell, Matthew Northumb. S.

Bennet, Capt. Philip 8uffotk, W.

Bentinck, Lord H. W.Nottinghams. Beresford, Major W. .Essex, N.

Berkeley, Hon. G. C Gloucestersh. W. Bramston, Thos. W. Essex, S.

Broadley, Henry York, B. Riding Bromley, Robert Nottinghamsh. S. Brooke, Lord Warwick, S.

Buck, Lewis William •Deoonshirc, N. Buller, Sir J. B. Y. Bt. Devonshire, 8. Burroughes, Hen. N Norfolk, E. Carew, Wm. II. Pole. Cornwall, .E. Cayley, E. Stillingfleet. York, N. Riding Chohnely, Sir M. Bt.Lincolnshire, N. Christopher, Robt. A.Lincolnshire, N. Codrington, Sir C. Bt. Gloucestersh. E. Colville, Chas. Robt Derbyshire, S. Davies, D. Arthur S Carmarthensh.

Deedes, William Kent, East Disraeli, Benjamin . Bucks Dod, John Whitehall Stu-opshire, N.

Drummond, Henry.. Surrey, Duneombe, lion. 0. York, N. Riding Du Pro, Caledon G Bucks Egerton, Sir P. Bart Cheshire, S. Evelyn, W. J Surrey, W.

Farnham, Edward B. Leicestershire, N.

Ferrer, James Durham, 8. Fellows, Edward Huntingdonshire Fulmer, Sir E. Bart Kent, W. Floyer, John Dorsetshire Fuller, Augustus E Sussar, .E. Gooch, Edward S &folk, E. Guernsey, Lord 0 arwickshire, S. Hale, Robert 13 Gloucestersh.

lialford, Sir H.Bart. Leicestershire, S.

Halsey, Thomas P Herta Harcourt, G. G. V Oxfordshire Heathcote, G. J Rutland Henley, Joseph W Oxfordshire Hildyard, T. B. T Nottinghamsh. S. Hood, Sir A. Bart 8omersetshire, W.

Hotham, brad York, E. Riding Knight, F. Winn rorcestersh. Knightky, Sir C. Bt Northamptonshire Lewisham, Viscount gtqlordshire, S. Long, Walter Wiltshire, N. Lowther, HoP.if, c warm ore/and, Lowther, Henry Cumberland W. Lygon; lion. H. B Worcestershire, W.

Manners, Lord C. 8 Leicestershire, N.

Manners, Lord G. J. Cambridgeshire March, Earl of Sussex, W. Maunsell, Col. T. P.. ,Northurnptoaoh.N. Meux, Sir II. Bart.. „Hertfordshire Miles, William Somersetahire, E. Morgan, Ch. Oct. S.- Monmouthshire Mundy, William Derbyshire, S. Newdegate, Chas. N Warwickshire, N.

Newport, Viscount Shropshire, S. Noel, Hon. G. James Rutland Packe, Charles W. Leicestershire, S: Palmer, Robert Berkshire Plutuptre, John P Kent, E.

Portal, Melville Hants, N. Prime, Pichard Sussex, W. Posey, Philip Berkshire Rendlesham, Lord , , •Suffidk, E. Richards, Richard .3ferfonethshire Rushout, Capt. Geo. . Worcester, E.

Somerset, Capt. E. A Mohmouthshire Stafford, Augustus.. Northampton, N. Stanley, Edward Cumberland, 11'. Talbot, C. R. M Glanorganshire Thompson, Ald. Win Westmoreland Thornhill, George.. . Huntingdonshire Tollemarhe, John Cheshire, S.

Townley, R. Grooves Cambridgeshire Trollope,SirJohn, Bt Lincolnshire, S.

Tyrell, Sir J. T. Bt. F.Asex, N. Vyse, R. H. 11. H Northampton, S. Waddington, H. 8.-510A, r. Walsh, Sir J. 13. Bt,. .Radnorshire Wodehouse, E. Norfolk, E.

Worcester, Marq. of Gloucester, .E. Yorke, Hon. E. T Cambridgeshire


Arkwright, George Leominster Baldock, E. It Shrewsbury Baring, Thomas Huntingdon Benbow, John Dudley Best, J. Kidderminster Blackstone, Wm. S Wallingford

Blair, Stephen

Blakemore, B Wells Blandford, Marg. of Woodstock Bolden), Capt. H. G Chippen ham 13remridge, Richard Barnstaple Brisco, Musgrave Hastings

Broadwood,Menry Bridgettoter

Burrell, Sir C. M. Bt Neer Shoreham Cabbell, Benj. Bused. Boston Chandos, Marq. of _Buckingham

Clive, Henry Bayley btu/low

Cobbold, John C Ipswich

Coles, Henry B

Dick, Quintin Aylesbury Dodd, George Maidstone

Drax, J. S. W. 8. E Wareham

Duckworth, Sir J. B Exeter East, Sir Jame§ B. Bt Winchester Forester, Iln. G. C.W Wenlock Fox, Sackville W. L. Beverly Galway, Viscount East Betford,8te. Gasket', James M Wenlock Goddard, Ambrose L Crick/ode Granby, Marquis of Stamford Gwyn, Howel Peiwyn and Palm. Hall, Colonel John.. Buckingham Harris, Hon. E. A. .1 Christchurch Heneage, Edward Great Grimsby }terries, Rt. Iln. J. C Stamford Ilildyard, Robert C.. Whilehoren Hornby, John Blackburn Hudson, George Sunderland Joliffe, Sir W. G. H.. Petersfield Kerrison, Sir E. Bt Eye Knox, Lt.-Col B Great Marlow Law, Hon. C. E Cambridge Univ. Lenuox, Lord A. U.. New Shoreham

Lennox,Ld.G.C.H.G Chiehester Mandeville, Viscount Bewd/ey

Manners, Lord John Colchester Mullings, 3.11 Cirencester Neeld, John Cricklatle, Medd, Joseph Chippenham Pigot, Sir Robt. Bt. Brtdgnorth Sibthorp, Colonel Lincoin Smyth, John Geo York Stanford, John F Reading Stanley, lion. E. H. Ring's Lynn Stuart, John Newark Sturt, Henry G. Dorchester Vivian, John E Truro Walpole, Spencer IL Midhurst


Ached, Sir T. D. Bt .Devonshire, N. Alcock, Thomas Surrey, .E. Anson, Lt.-Col. Hn. G Staffordsh. S.

Brand, Thomas Hertfordshire Brown, William Lancashire, S.

Bulkeley, Sir Rich. B Anglesey Buxton, Sir E. N. BLEssex, S. Cavendish, lion. C. C Bucks Cavendish, Hn. G. Ii. Derbyshire, .11r. Cobden, Richard York, W. Rid.

. Cqke, Hon. E. K Norfolk, W. ;suns; William Derbyshire, N. F ley, J. H. Hodgetts Woreestersh. E. (hey, RC Hon. 83r G.Northumb. N. Grosvenor, Lord Robt.Middlesex Henry, Alelander. '.Lancashire, S. Herbert, lit. Hon. 13.-. Wiltshire, S.

Heywood, James Lancashire, N. Hodges, Thos. Law Kent, W. Howard, Hon. C. W. Cumberland, E.

Ring, Hon. P. J. L Surrey, E. Ugh, Geo. Cornwall Cheshire, N. Lemon, Sir Chas. Bt Cornwall, W.

Lewis, G. Comewall -Herefordshire Marshall, William . .0innberland, .E.

Pdostyn, He. E. M. L Flintshire Norreys, Lord Oxfordshire Ogle. Savile C. H Northumb. S. Okliorne, Ralph B. : Middlesex - Patten, John Wilson Lancashire, N. Pinney, William Somerset, E. Robartes, T. Jas. A Cornwall, E. Russell, Francis C. H Bedfordshire Simeon, John Isle of Wight Vane, Lord Harry. Durham, S.

Wegg-Prosser, P.11. Herefordshire Wellesley, Lord Chas _Hampshire, S.


Abdy, Sir T. N Lyme Regis Adair, Hugh E Ipswich Adair, B.. A Cambridge Anson, Viscount Lichfield Armstrong, IL B - Lancaster Bagshaw, John Harwich Bunco, T Hull Baring, Sir T. F. Bt. Portsmouth Barnard, Edw. G - Greenwich Bass, M. Thos Derby Beckett, William Leeds Berkeley, M. F. F. . Gloucester Berkeley, En. F. H. F.Bristol Berkeley, C. L. G Cheltenham Bernal, Ralph Rochester Birch, Sir T. B. Bt. . Liverpool Boyle, Lt.-Col. R. E-Fronie Enght, John Manchester Brocklehurst, John. Macclesfield Brockman, E. D Bythe Brotherton, Joseph Salford Brown, Humphrey Tewkesbury ClunpbelL'Hon. W. F Cambridge Cardwell, Edward. Liverpool Carter, John B Winchester Cavendish, W. G.. . .Peterborough Chaplin, Wm. J Salisbury Childers, John W Halton.

Clay, James Hull Clay, Sir W. Bart Tower Hamlets Clerk, Sir G. Dart .Dover Clifford, Lt.-Col. IL Hereford Cockburn, A. J. E Southampton Cocks, Thomas 8 Reigate Colebrooke, Sir T Tauntim Collins, William Warwick Cowper, Hon. W. F Hertford Crawford, W. S Rochdale Crowder, It. B Lis/ward Hamer, Rt.11on.Col-Dorehester Daahwood, Sir G Wycombe Denison, John E Melton Divett, Edward Exeter Douglas, Sir C. E Warwick Douro, Marquis of Norwich Duke, Sir James London

Duncan, Viscount Bath

Duncuft, John Oldham Dundas, Admiral .1 Greenwich Ebrington, Viscount. .Plymouth Ellice, Rt. Hon. E COrentiw Ellis, John Leicester Estcourt, Lt.-Col. J .Derizes ; Evans, Sir De Lacy Westminster Welby, Glynne Earl Grantham Williams, 'T. P. Marlow


Arbuthnott, Lt.-Gen-Eincardineshire Hondas, George Linlithgowshire Forbes, William Stirlingshire Gordon, Rear-Ad Aberdeenshire Mackenzie, W. F Peeblesshire Scott, Hon. Francis. Berwickshire




Alexander, Nath Antrim Archdall, Capt. M Fermanagh Batesop, Capt. T Londonderry

Booth, Sir R. Gore.. Sligo

Brooke, Sir A. But. Fermanagh Bruen, Col. H Carlow Conolly, Thomas Donegal Dickson, Samuel Limerick Fitzpatrick, J. W. Queen's Gore, W. IL 0 Sligo Hamilton, 3.11 Dublin Herbert, 11. A Kerry Hill, Lord Edwin . Doierishire Jones, Capt. T Londonderry Leslie, Charles P.. Monafithan

Macnaghten, Sir E Antrtm

Maxwell, Hon. J. P Cavan Naas, Lord Kildare O'Brien, Sir L. Bart Clare

Taylor, Lieut.-Col Dublin

Vesey, Hon. T Queen's IRISH sonorous.

Bernard, Viscount . . Bandon Bridge Chatterton, Colonel Cork Cole, Hon. H. A Enniskillen Dunne, Lt.-Col, F. P Portarlington Grogan, Edward Dublin Hamilton, G. A. Dublin Univer.

Napier, Joseph Dublin Univer.

Mowatt, Francis

Runty, George F Birmingham Nugent Lord Aylesbury Ord, William h newest e-on-Tyne Paget, Lord Alfred H Lichfield Paget, Lord Clarence Sandwich Paget, Lord George . _Beau:nails Palmer, Bounden .. /Iymotith Palmerston, Viscount Tiverton Parker, John Sheffield Pearson, Charles Lambeth Pechell, Capt. Sir G. Brighton Peel, Rt. Hon. Sir R. . Tainworth Peel, Frederick Leominster Pelham, Hon. Dudley Boston Perfect, Robert Lewes Peto, Samuel Morton.Norwich Pigott, Francis Reading PUington, James Blackburn Price, Sir Robt. Bt _Hereford Raphael, Alexander . . St. Alban's Reid, C 10 A Windsor Ricardo, John L Stoke-on-Trent Ricardo, Osman Worcester Rice, Edw. Boyd Dover Rich, Henry Richmond Roebuck, John A Sheffield Hominy Sir J Derimport Rumbold, C. E Great Yarmouth Russell, Lord John London Russell, Hon. Edw Tavistock Names of the 300 who OppOSed a return to Protection.

Evans, John Haverfordwest Fitzroy, Hon. Henry Leives Forster, Matthew ... Berwick Fortescue, Hon. J. IV Barnstaple Freestun, Col. W. L Weymouth Gibson, Rt. Hn. T. M Manchester Gladstone, Hon. W. E Oxford University Glyn, George Carr Kendal Goulburn, Rt. Hn. H Cambridge Univer.

Graham, Sir J. It. G. _Ripon Granger, Thomas C.. Durham Greene, Thomas Lancaster Grenfell, Charles P. Preston Grenfell, Charles W Sandwich Grey, Ralph William Tynemouth Grosvenor, Earl of . Chester Guest, Sir J. Jno. Bt1 1ferthyr Hall, Sir Benj. Bt. ifarylebone Hardcastle, Joe. A Colchester Harris, Richard ' Leicester Hatchell, John Windsor Hayter, Hon. W. 0 Wells Headlam, Thomas it, Heald, James Stockport Heathcoat, John Tiverton lieneage, Geo. H. W Devizes Heyworth, Lawrence Derby Hill, Lord A. M. C. Evesham Hobhouse, Sir J. C. 13 Harwich Hobhouse, Thos. B Lincoln Hodges, Thomas- T. Rochester Hon, Sir James W Hendon Holland, Hobert Hastings Howard, Lord Edwd Horsham Howard, Philip H.. -Carlisle Hughes, William B Carnarroota Hutchins, E. 3 Lymington Hutt, William Gateshead Jervis, Sir J Chester Jocelyn, Viscount. _King's Lynn Johnstone, Sir J.V. B Scarborough Kershaw, James Stockport Labouchere, Henry Taunton Lascelles, William S Knaresborough Lewis, Sir T. F. Bt. ...Radnor Lindsay, Lieut.-Col. J.Wigan Littleton, Hon. Ed. ...Walsall Locke, Joseph Hon iton Lushington, Charles Westminster Mahon, Viscount .. Hertford Mangles, R. Donnelly Guildford Marshall, J. Garth Leeds Martin, John Tewkesbury Martin, C. Wykeham Newport, I. W. Martin, Samuel Pontefract Masterman, John . London Matheson, Lt.-Col. T Ashburton.

Milner, Wm. M. Ed York Mitchell, Thomas A Bridport.

Moffatt, George Dartmouth Molesworth, Sir W Southwark Morris, David Carmarthen

Penryn and Palm.

Salwey, CoL Henry Ludlow Scholefield, Wm Birmingham Scrope, G. Poulett Stroud Seymour. Lord.- Totnes Stoney, Robert A Shrewsbury Smith, It. Vernon .. Northaiiipton Smith, John Abel Chichester Spearman, Henry.] Durham Stansfield, W. R. C Huddersfield Stanton, W. H Striae, Staunton, Sir G. T Portsmouth Stuart, Lord Dudley Marylebone Batton, J. H. /d Newark Tancred, H. W Banbury Thicknesse, R. A Wigan Thompson, Lt.-Col. T Bradford Thompson, George 7bwer Hamlets Thomely, Thomas Wolverhampton Tollemache, Hn. F. J Grantham Townley, John Beverley Townshend, Capt. J. Tamworth Tuffnell, Henry Devonport

Turner, George JamesCoventry

Tynte, Chas. 3.11.. ' ter Verney, Sir H. Bt.. . .Bedford VMiers, En. Chas. P.Wolverhampton Vivian, John Henry. . Swansea, &c.

Wakley, Thomas Thisbury

Walmsley, Sir Joshua liolton Walter, john Nottingham Watkins, Col, J. L. V Breeknoek Wilcox, B. M'Ghie . Southampton Williams, John Macclesfield Williamson, Sir 11. Bt.Sunderland Wilson, James Westbury Wilson, Matthew . Clitheroe Wood, Rt. Hn. Sir C _Halifax Wood, William Page .Oxford Wrightson, Wm. B Northallerton Wyld, James Bodmin Wyvill, Marmaduke Richmond


Anderson, Arthur Orkney Charteris, Hon. F Haddingtonshire Dalrymple, Capt. .7 Wigtonshire Drummond, H.R. Perthshire Duff, James Batiffihire Dundas, Sir David Sutrlandshire Elliot, lion. J. E .Boxburghshire Hallyburton, Lord J Forfarshire Matheson, James . 4. Cromarty Morita-in, Major-Gen Clackmannan, Sze.

More, Col. W .Bertfrewshire

Smollett, Alexander. Dambartotishire 'Wortley, J. A. S Rules/sire


Bouverie, Hon. E. P Kiintatviock, &c.

Cowan, Charles Edinburgh Craig, Sir Wm. G... -Edinburgh Davis, Sir 11.11. F. Bt.Haddington Names of the 169


Adore, Visct Gkunorganshire Adderley, Chas. B.. . Stafford:h. N. Alford, Visct Bedfordshire Bailey jun. Joseph —Herefordshire Benett, John Wiltshire, S. Brackley, Visct Staffordshire, N. Burghley, Lord Lincolnshire, S. Clive, Hon, It. H Shropshire, S.

Compton, Henry C.-Hampshire, S. . Denison, E. B York, W. Biding Egerton, W. T Cheshire, N. Emlyn, Visct Pembrokeshire Frewen, C. H Sussex, E.

Gore, W. Ormsby. Shropshire, N. Ilouldsworth, T Nottinghainsh. N. Lopes, Sir It. Bart Devonshire, S. Moody, Chas. A Somerset, W. Ossulston, Lord Northumberl. N.

Pendarves, E. W Cornwall, W.

Pennant, Col. E Carnarvonshire Powell, Col, W Cardiganshire Seabiun, Visct Durham, N.

Seymer; IL -her Dorsetshire Shafto, Robert D Durham, N.

Sotheron, T. H. 8. Wiltshire, N.

knoorier, Richard . Warwickshire, N Trevor, Hon. G Carmarthenshire Wynn, C. W. W Montgomeryshire Wynn, Sir W. Bart—Denbighshire


Aglionby, Henry A .C,ockerinouth Arundel, Earl of Arundel Ashley, Lord Balls Baldwin, Charles B Ibtnes Baring;Major Hen. B.Marlborough Baring, Hon. Francis Thetford Bell, John Thirsk Blewitt, it. James . . Monmouth, Ste.

Bowles, Rear-Ad. W .Launceston Bruce, Lord Ernest Marlborough Bunbury, E. Herbert.Bury St. Edmund's Bustleld, William Bradford Christy, Samuel Netecas.-un.-Lyme. Cochrane, A. D. It. W.Bridport Copeland, Aid. W. T .Stoke-on-Trent Cubitt, William Andover Currie, Henry Guildford Currie, Raikes Northampton

Curteis, Herbert

D'Eyncourt, Chas. T.Lambeth buncombe, Thos. S. .Finsbury buncombe, Capt. A. .E. Belford, Eze.

Edwards, Henry Halifax Enfield, Viscount Chatham Euston. Earl of Thetford ,_ _ _Fi,tznilliam, Hon. G -. Peterborough Fox, Villliarn J. Oklhain Greenall, Gilbert Warrington • Hanmer, Sir John, Bt.Flint, Ste. Hervey, Lord Alfred. . Brighten Eindlby, Charles Ashton-ms Hodgson, Willin. N .Carlisle Hope, Henry Thos. Gloucester Hope, Alex. Jas. B. .ifaidstone Horsman, Edward .Cockerniouth Howard, Hon. Jas. K.1141 mesbury Howard, Ho. E.G. G. Worpeth Humphery, Aid. Jno. Southwark Inglis. Sir R. Harry Oxford University Jackson, William . Netecastle-un.-Lne.

Jermyn, Rt. En. EarlBury St. Edmund's Lacy, Henry Charles. .Bodmin Duff, Geo. Skene E7gin, Duncan, George Dundee Ellice jun. Edward,, ,St. Andrews, &c. Ewart, William ... .Duinfries, &c. Ferguson, Lt.-Col. R. Kirkaidy, Ste. Fordyce, Capt. A. D Aberdeers Hastae, Alexander _Glasgow Elastic, Archibald 2 Paisley Loch, James . . .; . Wiek, er.c. M'Grgor, John Glasgow WTart, Sir J. Bt Wigton, &e.

t. Hon. Fox Perth Rutherford, Andrew. Leith, Smith, John B.. - Dunfermline Stuart, Lord J. C dyr, Irvine, &a.


Armstrong, Sir A. 13t. King's Bellew, Richard H. Louth Blacken, Maj. S.W Longford Browse, Robert D Mayo Berke, Sir T. i. Bt. Galway Butler, Pierce 8 Kilkenny Caulfield. Cot. J. AL. Arnacigh Corry,Itt.11n.11. T. L,,Tyrone 1)awson, Hon. T. V.-Monaghan Fagan, James " Wexford Fortescue, Chichester Louth. Grace, Oliver D. Jno. Roseenninon Greene, Capt. John—Kilkenny Howard, Sir Ralph, Bt Wicklow Keating, Robert Waterford Kildare, Marquis of. . Kildare

Monsen, William .

Morgan, H.-Knox G Werftird

O'Connell, Morgan J Kerry

Power, Mamice-M.-17 0ork Benny, Francis Tipperary Tenison,- Edward -K-. ;Leitrim - Young, Sir John, Bt Cavan

dour monorails.

Anstg, Thos; C • roughed Fagan, William--- Cork Ferguson, Sir 11, A. BLLondonderry Hawes, Benjamin. v. Kinsale Keogh William Athlone Ker, Richard Downpatrick Lawless, Hon. C. J Clonmel

14`Cullagh, W. T.. Dundalk

Mahon, O'Gorman —Ennis Norreys, Sir D. J. .Bt 4fallow O'Brien, Sir Timothy Cashel O'Connell, Maurice, Tralee O'Flalerty, Anthony Galway Rawdon, LL-Col. S. hl Aitnagh Reynolds, John Dublin Shell, Rt. Hn. R. L Dun:gamma Somers, John P. Sligo Somerville; Sir W. M Drogheda Sullivan, Michael Kilkenny Talbot, John H. New Boss.

who were Absent.

Langston, James H Oxford Lascelles, Hon. E. Itipon Leonard, Thomas B. Maldon Loveden, Pryse Cardigan, Sic. Mackinnoh-Win.. A., Lymington Miles, Philip W. S Brute/ Milnes, Richard E. , Pontefract Mulgrave, Earl of. , Scarborough Nichol], Rt. Hon. J CardW; &c.

O'Connor, Feargus Notting/min Owen, Sir John, Bt Pembroke Pakington; Sir J. S—Driiittoich Peel, Col. Jonathan . .Huntingdon Philips, Sir G. R. BL . Poole Plowden, Wm. 11. C. .Newport, LW Powlett, LordW. J. F. St. Ives -- Pugh, David .... Afontgomery Renton, J. Campbell Berwick Renton, Geo. W. J. St. Alban's Robinson, George It. Poole Hominy, Fled - Canterbury Rothschild, Baron .. London Rufford, Francis Worcester Sanders, -George Wakefield Sanders, Joseph Great Yarmouth Shelburne, Earl of Calne Sheridan, IL B Shaftesbury Sidney, Aid. Whoa. Stafford Smith, Martin T. Wyeoinbe Smythe, Q. A. F. P. S Canterbiwy Somerton, 'Vise Wilton Stephenson, Robt. Whitby Strickland, Sir G. Bt Preston Stuart, Henry .Bedford Thesiger, Sir F Abingdon Trelawny, L S. Tavistock Urquhart, David Stafford Villiers, Viscount Cirencester Villiers, Hon. F. W. C Wernouth Vyvyan, Sir R. IL Bt Heiston

Waddington, D. Malden

Walker, Itirliard Bury, Lancash. Wall, Chas. B Salisbury Wawn, John T South Shields West, Fred. R Denbigh, eze.

Westhead, J. P. B Knaresborotigh Whitmore, T. C Bridyenorth

Willyams, Huniphry Truro

Willoughby, Sir H. P Eveshant


Baillie, Henry James . Inverness-shire Bruce, Chas. L. C Elgin and Nairnah. Drumlanrig, Visct. Dumfriesshire Fergus, John Fifes/sire Hope, Sir John, Bart Edinburghshire Lockhart, Allan E. „Selkirkshire Lockhart, William _Lanarkshire MaCkie, John Kireudbright M'Neill, Duncan Argyllshire Oswald, Alexander Ayrshire Traill, George Caithness


Hume, Joseph Montrose, &c.

Lincoln, Earl of Falkirk, &c.

Matheson, Alex Inverness Melgund, Visct Greenock


Bunbury, Capt. W. B. Carlow Castlereagh, Vise. . Downshire Clements, Hon. C. S Leitrim Corbally, M. E Meath Fox, R. Maxwell Longford

French, Pitestephen Resemamow

Grattan, Henry Meath Hamilton, Lord Tyrone Hayes, Sir E. S. Bt Donegal Macnamara, W. N. . Clare Magan, Wm. II Weitmeath Maher, Nicholas Tipperary

Milton, Viscount-.

Moore, Geo. H Mayo Nugent, Sir P. Bt Westmeath Power, Nieh. M Waterford Roche, E. Burke Cork - St. George, C Gal way

Verner, Sir W. Bt Arnim/A

Westenra. Hon. J. C King's,


Barron, Sir H. Bart Waterford Blake, Martin I Galway floyd, John Coleraine ilhiebester, Lord .1 Belfast otton; Hon. W Carrickfergus eyereux, John T Wexford Meagher, Thomas fraterjohl Newry, Viset. Newry ortliland, Viset::: Dungannon 'Brien, John Limerick 'Connell, John limerick


adieu., John Carlow Seymour, Sir H. Lisburn emient, Robt J.. . . Belfase , , The division is remarkable as being the first direct attempt—declared and accepted as such by all classes of politicians within the House—to restore the principle of proteption to agriculture. It has proved useful to a number of Members who voted for Mr. Disrie14 Motion on Poor-law burdens, as en- abling them to show that their vote wa4 not given from any hankering after "protection." On that oceasiont the ninjority was the inconsiderable one of 21 in a House of 520. The division of Tuesday restores the balance to what it was on the occasion of Sir John Trollope's amendment on the Address, which asserted the existence of agricultnral'distress,, mid attributed it to the operation of free trade. Against that declaration the, majority was 119, in a Roils& of 507 Members : ori the present occasion the majority was 114, in a

House of 486. :

Comparing the division-lists an Sir John Trollope's amendment with the votes on Mr. Berkeley's mothin, we find nothing to remark. Both parties keep firm—there is not one instance of, change. Take Mr. Disraeli's Poor- law motion and make the mule comparison, and it will be seen. that the change consists in Sir Thomas Acland, Mr. Gladstone, Lord Nugent, Viscount' Anson, Viscount Jocelyn, 'Viscount Mahan, Mr. Wilson Patten, Colonel Reid,, Viscount Enfield, and others who voted for that motion, stepping over to the Free-trade standard and resuming theiresfaces under, it. The ample lists which precede th remarks exhibit the parties upon whose integrity the maintenance of the Free-trade principle depends in the present Parliament ; and when they are looked at, the individuals may easily enough be picked out against whose return to the- next Parliament all the efforts of the Country party. are to be directed. • The analytic tablepoints out very distinctly the numbers contributed by each of the Three Kingdoms to make up the majority of 114. One phase more- maybe shown with equal elearness--the'percentagembich the votes given on each aide and under the' different heads bears to the whole Members returned to Parliament by the respective countries. This brings all to a common standard, and the result unfolds some striking but characteristic peculiarities. Of the English County Members, 58 per cent voted for a return to Protection. — Borough — 18 Of the Scotch County Members, 20 - Borough' nil

Of the Irish County Members, 33

— Borough — 17 , Of the English County Members, 22 per mint Toted against a return to Protecticm. — Borough — 55 Of the Scotch County Members, 44

— Borough — 83 Of the Irish County Members, 36

— Borough — 50 Of the English County Members, 20 per cent were Absent. ---- Borough --- 27

Of the Scotch County Members, 38 -- — Borough — 17 Of the Irish County Members, 31

Borough ---33

Up to ten o'clock of the evening of the debate, it was difficult to guess from the appearance of the House, whether the Protectionists had resolved as a body to adopt Mr. Grantley Berkeley's motion, ot to decline to identify themselves with it, by keeping out of the way. The Protection leaders were in attendance from the beginning ; that is, Sir John Tyrell, the Marquis of Granby, Mr. Disraeli, Lord John Manners, and Mr. Hemes, kept closely to their seats, and for several hours they were the only occupants of a bench which could have held three times as many. The back and side benches presented a still more dreary appearance : Sir dames Graham was the only member of the Peel party who thought it worth his while to attend during the earlier hours. -The 'attendance on the Ministerial side of the House was better, probably twice a,s Many as were seen to dot the opposite side. Mr. Grantley Berkeley; during his speech óf an hour and ten minutes, had an entire bench to himself, if Mr. Reynolds the Member for Dublin be excepted, who sat at the opposite end. This bench is the one which runs on from the seat usually occupied- by Mr. Hume ; a narrow passage, or " gangway " as it is sometimes called, being the only separation. In Mr.- Hume's corner sat Mr. Cobden, next him was Mr. Bright, lid next came Mr. Milner Gibson ; thus three of the More prominent preps of the Free-trade principle were within a foot or two of Mr. Grantley Berkeley's eloquence. During a tem- porary absence Mr. Henry Berkeley occupied Mr. Cobden's corner ; and some goodnanUed "chaffing" seemed to pass between the brothers across the gangway. Externally Mr. Grantley Berkeley is always striking : he is curious in dress, both as to colour and cut ; the latter being so. managed as to convey the idea that he is outgrowing his clothes. A voice strong and hollow is the medium by which his eloquence finds vent. At nine o'clock the Speaker retired for refreshment; Sir Benjamin Hall being "named" as the next orator. Sir Benjamin was sitting in' the scat invariably occupied by Sir Robert Inglis when he is present. It is the front bench and no position in the House could have been more favourable for adminuitering the castigation Sir Benjamin had meditated on the miserable attendance of Members who had spoken to fiercely out of doors, but who now shrank from meeting their Parriamentary opponen within doors. Mr. William Miles rose with 'unusual wannth to repel/he insinuation. While he was speaking, Mr. Roebuck entered,, and Beatings isimaelf on the bench immediately opposite, kept up an muffing cominentmy cm Mr. Miles's de- fence by curiously modulated " Hear-hears," and expressive waves of the hand.' Sir Benjamin's "hit" was soon' followed by a change in the appear- ance of the assembly: Members began te flow in, and by ten o'clock all parts of the House assumed a crowded look. Some slightly jocular inoidebts and repartees occurred. The Marquis of Granby actually forgot what the motion was to which he had been professing to speak for a considerable time, and had to refer to the official Taper for the information. The Chancellor of the Exchequer was unusually vigorous and defiant, and raised a hearty laugh by his allusion to rebellious farmers mounting their horses and riding amuck at the towns. Mr. Disraeli told Sir Benjamin Hall, that the absence of the Protectionists was owing to their want of information that he was to speak. Mr. Cobden made an amusing point by the gravity with which he made a present of Mr. Grantley Berkeley to the Protectionists; but the laugh was turned against him by the misconception of a word. He was asking, what they would think if Mr. Bright, who dealt in low qualities of cotton and yarn were to complain to them of dintress : the word low" seemed to be mistaken for "long," and that a aid being associated with ',iv/arils," there was no end to the gentle merriment of Protectionists.