18 MAY 1872, Page 2

The House of Othman is going to commit a huge

blunder. It has for five hundred years been a tradition of that House to con- sider its eldest male the heir of the throne, and thus avoid the absurdity of devolving the Kaliphate, with its incommunicable rights, and powers, and sanctities, on a child. The present Sultan, however, has determined to declare his eldest son hie heir, and thus give every orthodox Mussulman a plea for rebellion,: of which the great tributaries, such as the Khedive of Egypt, the- Bey of Tunis, the Shereef of Mecca, and all the dependent Euro- pean Princes, would instantly avail themselves. It is said that the Western Embassies perceive this, and are urging caution ; while Russia, which desires the extinction of the House, promotes the recognition of Izezeddin.