18 MAY 1912, Page 15



Sin,—To your previous notes on this subject may be added a record that at least one English lady repudiates the pre- cedence conceded to her sex, and prefers the Chinese to the European morality about rescue in shipwrecks. The Cam- bridge Weekly News of May 10th reports an address delivered to the University Fabian Society by a Miss Millicent Murby.

In the course of it she said that

"it seemed to her a ghastly thing that in the Titanic ' disaster such an enormous proportion of women wore saved, whilst so many mon wore allowed to go down. Women are beginning to realize that we have got to consider very carefully whether it is worth while that the weak should always be saved and the strong allowed to go down. It will bo difficult to got men to relinquish their heroic ideals. But women must realize that it is necessary for them to stand by."