18 MAY 1929, Page 38


Reading between the lines of the speech by Sir William Berry at the meeting of Allied Newspapers, Limited, it would seem that competition may be making some mark on newspaper profits. These for the last three years, so far as Allied Newspapers, Limited, are concerned, have been on an ascending scale, but he stated that they were not quite so_good as those of the first two years of the company's existence. Incidentally, and showing how newspapers of a certain class can be_ affected by legislation, Sir William

stated that there had a loss of revenue on the Sporting Chronicle. Whether, he added, "the abolition 'of the betting tax will bring- about the- desired recovery, it is too early -yet to say." Sir William referring to the prospect of a capital issue to finance additional purchases by Allied Northern,. said they were under no pressure to make the issue except at their own time and on what they considered to be the best terms. •