18 NOVEMBER 1837, Page 16

Besides these, we have heaps of things before us—pamphlets, poems,

reprints, and publications without class or kind; for indeed the publishers seem to have turned their attention to driving a safe trade—if safety consist in the absence of novelty and exciting qualities. Of the nature of the mass, the following baker's dozen will convey a notion.

Hints to Mothers, for the management of health during the period of pregnancy, by Dr. Btitir,, of the Finsbury Institu- tion, is a valuable monitor to the fair sex, at a time when they are most exposed to the pernicious influence of vulgar errors and prejudices, which ignorant old women promulgate in defiance of common sense. It contains so much useful advice for every woman likely to become a mother, that married men would da well to provide it for their partners.

The success of the " Seltsupporting Dispensaries " has stimu- lated their projector, Mr. H. L. SMITH, surgeon, of Southern, to propound a slan for Local Sick Clubs on a small scale, (which .clubs Mr. SMITH dignifies with the imposing epithet of Alfred Societies,) for providing invalid members with the means of exist- ence without having recourse to the workhouse. Any plan that Sends to make the labourers independent of charity must be good, The Human Frame and Five Senses is a familiar explanation of the human anatomy, for the use of young persons. It is in the form of dialogue; which is very well adapted for its purpose, and has the needful addition of illustrative engravings.

A New Guide to ('heltenham, forming a pretty closely-printed duodecimo of' nearly three hundred and fifty pages, with maps and wood-cuts, is one of the best of the improved local guide-books, and attests the growing wealth and importance of this fashionable spa.

The Grand Junction Railway Companion, is the first of a series of Railway Guides, by ARTI1UR FREELING. It includes the line between Birmingham and Liverpool, and gives an Recount of the works, the regulations, an itinerary of the places through which the road passes, with a map; and a variety of other useful infor- mation, in a very succinct and readable form. The railway, we are told, passes under one hundred bridges and two aqueducts, through two tunnels, and over fifty bridges and five viaducts.

LE KEUX'S Memorials of Cambridge is a companion work to the " Memorials of Oxford, lately completed; and it appears in every respect equal to its prototype,—judging float the neat en- gravings of the two views of Trinity College, by BELL, in the first number. The name of LE KEUX is a guarantee for the ex- cellence of the engravings, and the fidelity of the drawings.

The Chess-board Companion is a simple and concise introduc- tion to chess, drawn up for the use of beginners by Mr. LEWIS, the famous player. It describes the different pieces, the mode of placing them, their moves, powers, and value; and gives the laws of the game, the most approved methods of opening, and the rules necessary to be observed in pla)ing. A few problems, with illus- trative diagrams, suited to an elementary treatise, are appended. It is got up with extreme neatness.

Hints on Commercial Travelling, is a code of precepts for the guidance of the tyros on the road ; and though the etiquette of the " tiaveller's room" may be sneered at as a subject for a trea- tise, these rational hints will be not the less useful. It is a sign of the times when a veteran " bagman" lectures on propriety and quotes Sir ROBERT PEEL. Every class of the commuuity will soon have its CHESTERFIELD.

Rookteood now takes its station among the Standard Novels, of which it forms the Sixtieth Volume in BENTLEY'S collection. "The Ride to York," Mr. AINSWORTH tells us in his new preface, was written currente calamo—or at a hand gallop, as he would say : and as this is the most animated and striking portion of the novel, it would seem that he has but to apply the lesson when he carries out his intention of bringing another noted cutpurse on the stage


A Second Volume of the Birds of Western 4frica forms the Eighth of the Ornithological portion of that cheap and excellent serial the Naturalist's Library; whose coloured plates, though the most attractive, are not its most valuable feature.

The Little Conchologist is literally a manual for the collector of shells; for it may be held in the palm while picking them up. It it concise and simple, and illustrated with plates.

PETER PARLEY has supplied his young readers with a Grammar of Modern Geography ; which, if it do not supply the desideratum of a popular elementary treatise for school use, is at any rate the nearest approximation to a lively and rational mode of teaching this important branch of education.

Kirkstead, or the Pleasures qf Shooting, a poem, by a Lincoln- Aim Squire, printed for sale at a fancy fair, will hardly extend the fame of its ssitbor bon1btis epenty ; bla1fri00,771,crrellt the Lincoln Connty Hoipital. ,