18 NOVEMBER 1837, Page 18


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On tee eist ,at Floors, the a: of his Grace the Puke of Itexhurelte, the Dutch..., et a .1 OD the 1. .. in Cun.l.erlet. • Peiee, Lady COLCHESTER, of a daughter, still- born.

On the ree at Fintry House, lint.0 1.1.1y F(.11-21...., of Cialeiever,ef a son. On tee 11.. 111.L., at lsiis Nen tee 11 eh, Dere; shire, the Lady VI Usasar VANDY, LIUR, Esti we:Ogee On tee I. iu Ca:elect Ileeec Terrace, Laay HENRY C.101.11ONDELEY, of a daughter.

On the vt:. lest., the Lady of the Reverend Jun; SZATON, incumbent of Cleckhea.

• too, of el.

On the We inse, at Mete Ill, 11.treseeol, the Lady of the Honourable ARTHUR LASCE1.7.E-.6:' , and leer.

Ou the ;ti, ,neeett Reece hull, the Lad, Colonel MARK1IAM...1 a son.

Oil Ill.: 2 silt ',it., at the Vicarage, e. eneitava, Devon, the Lade of the Reverend VC:e. LIAM GEOL.,- l'AIGis Satin, te a eeegeter.


On the .7th inst., at Wellfiehe Lea le CLERK ARBUTHNOT, EMI.. son of the late Sir V. iltiaas Attauthout, Bart., to A.iNES, dattelitte of the late John Rae, E,q., of Annistou, Fere:rehire.

On the eith hat., at Suubury Church, the Honeurable SIDNEY RoDERT CURZON. son of the Right Heti Lord lenehane to FRANCE', uLugebt daughter of Wei:at-aster Purses. Esq.. Sueeury Place, Meleleeex. On the leei inst., at Waltharesea, , the Rev. Wreerem PITT. son of the late Sir Robert Wigiere, Bette to Surma, daughter of the late Ocorge Smith, Esti, of Selsdou, On the 11! twee at Charlton, Stunt, Lieutenant JOHN Ileavay, Royal Artillery, to JANE. elaest eaughter of tt iii ii,ii Muller, Esq., soutearnron. On the 9th Mee, st Eleee-fiele GE01101. MEARES, EST, of Pollees, Mont °mete-hie:. to Leutse MARIA, elkIVt daughter of George JoIreys, Esq., of Glen. y la Caste,. Carthouslare. On tits 11th inst., at St. Luke's, Cleesea, MARTIN LINDSAY, Esq., eldest son of Wil- liam Lindsay, L.q., Carolina Pert, Intuilee, to SOPHIA, youngest daughter of the late Jonathan Ilarrisen, Esq., of Lewes. Sessex. On the;th Met., at Charombe, the eev. FRANCIS ItIctrano Niteten, Vicar of K. inc. ton. Warwickshire, to Beeentex Lucy, the :second daughter of the lite. Egerton Stafford.

On the 11th inst., RI Barwell, Leicestershire, Tifoxas Demos PEARSON, Captain, 16th Lancms, eldest son of J. Pearsen, St iii., or 'remedied wood, etafferil. and Aim- eateetieneral, Celeutta, to FRANCES EL:ZADETII Assay, eldest daughter of the Rev. G. Medan', of Burwell.


On the 11th inst., Glosos O'Beres WYNDHAM. Earl of Egremout and Baron of Cockermoute, in. his 86th e ear. at his !muse at Petwortle On the Ilth inst., at his grandmother's, Ascot Ledge, Sunning 11111, Lover. THOMAS, third son of Captaiu lion, in his 7fil year. On the etit inst., at Wuodbriage Hues*, near Guhdford, in her 5;th year, the Laity IIARRIZT ELIZABETH Oerseow, eldest daughter of the late Eafi of Outlaw. Ou the llsh inst., at her residence, Grey's House, near Maideuhead, the Right Hon, 3814z Lady Llemoras, loiter e'eth e ear. Out the 1 lth inst., at Broom House, Fulham, the Hon'. Mrs. SULIVAN. GO the tli lust in Madilux Street, after a protreded illness, brought on by long see. viee hi tropical climatee, JAMES Forums. M.D., luspectur•General of Army Hospitals, his 59th year. On the loth inst , at Bahlock. Herts, in her nd year. MARY. relict of the late Isaac Himiley. E.g.. of that piece. Oft the 1 It II inst.. at Little Heath, J•Mell LINDSAY, Esq., in his Salt year.

Js the 5111 lust., at Cucknoud house Louisa, relict of the late Bee. Dr. Drury, in her 8ith year.

On the 12th lust., at her house in Lower Grosvenor Street, MTS. ELIZABETH CRUTCH. LEY, ill her 91st year.

On the 11th Met.. in her 101st year. Mrs. Meiteenter Puserfs, of Newcastle.