18 NOVEMBER 1837, Page 6


The Royal William. Frazer, from London to Madras, struck on the rocks at theta trance of Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope, the 19th Sept.—crew and passengers saved.

Arrived—At Gravesend, Nov.15th, Lysander, Currie, from Bengal; Loyd Lowther, Vincent, from ('bins; and Wave, Goldsmith, from Manilla ; 18th, Tamerlane, NPR el. lar ; and Abherton. Shuttleworth, from Bengal. At Falmouth, 16th, Ilamiltou, Brad. bury, front the cape. At Liverpool, 11111. Clown, Ponsouby, from Bengal ; aarl Mary Bibby, Cummins, from Bombay ; and 12tli. Franklaml, Webb, from Bengal. st. Ilelenit previous to Sept. 234, Fairy Queen, Cousins, from Loudon ; J eviler, Galbraith, from Bengal ; Africa, skelton, from Ceylon ; and Cherub,— from Singapore. At the Cape, previous to 23t1 Sept., Mary %%Akio, Smith ; Resotirce, Smith ; Kersewell, Haswell ; Richard Mount, Searles ; Tickler, White ; Senator, Grindley. : iValley. Bell, Stewart ; Orient, White ; Agrippitta, Rogers; Indemnity, Roberts ; Ga. Wee, Tait ; :thdromerin, Jacks ; and Boyne, Richardson; all from London. Main. bar, Dunlop ; and William N molt, M'Alpin, from the Clyde; and Catherine, Ruse, front Bengal. At the Mauritius, previous to Aug. 7t1i, Sterling, Burnett ; tieurge Canning, %tin ; Prince George, Chilcott ; C. Carter, Cristall ; Porcupine. Laing;

Rapid, , all from London. At Madras, July 3d, Sir Edward Paget, Hall; Esther. Douglas ; and 1411, Sophia, itPNair, from London. At Bengal, Uralic:4 Riiey ; and Aurora, Cox, front Loudon ; and Warrior, Stone, from LiverNol.