18 NOVEMBER 1865, Page 2

It is said that the attacks on . the butchers are

unfair, as they do not raise the price of meat tidier pretencesof dearness ceased by the plague, but the middlemen (between them -end the .vrazierse That may be true in casseibut in others theinitchers beildirect of tl e farmer, and they have 'the.vpower ihn their owsillianela. Wley1 pc: .nit the middlemen to raise prices on them without a re1evee/1i'; The butcher is the only tradesman at whom the public cm get, and must be squeezed till he squeezes somebody else still more-in fault than himself. The true remedy, however, would be 'to establish a company, which should persistently sell the best meat for cash at a fined-profit upon wholesale price. At present the butchers have it all their own way, even more than the fruit- dealers. The latter charge 300 and 400 per cent., but then it is possible to go without fruit, and a hardship to be entirely deprived of meat.