18 NOVEMBER 1865, Page 22

The Political Problem of the Day ; Mr. Gladstone the

Man to Solve It (Trubner.)—The author of this pamphlet may certainly claim the merit of clearness of conception and conciseness of expression. The problem of the day is to get rid of the spirit protection ; this, exorcized from commerce, still animates literature, religion, and politics. "It still stunts the growth of representative government, communicates an unhealthy because factitious development to our religious institutions, destroys the independence of literature by pointing the pen of the venal scribe, and checks the free expression of thought." The writer wishes to impress upon the Liberal party the duty of adhering to this broad principle of resistance to, protection, and considers that it will find a leader in Mr. Gladstone, "who is not shackled by party, has the courage to speak out ; who, though it run divergent to the associations of friends and kin, resolves to carry into operation a certain political code, because he sees it to be called for by the exigencies of the age." Thirprineiple.will lead to a system of popular education purged of pro- tective illiberality, and so to an extension of the suffrage and a perfect representative government ; it will also lead to the downfall of Church establishments, simply on the ground that they form a bounty on pro- duction in religion, and of all else in our institutions that savours of the evil spirit. The. pamphlet is well worthy of attention, and the more so that the writer has not used more worda to say what he had to say than are absolutely necessary.