18 NOVEMBER 1865, Page 3

The Emperor of the French is not pleased with the

European impression that his regime prevents intellectual progress. Conse- quently M. Duruy, Minister of Instruction, has proposed that a number of eminent men already selected .should describe in a aeries of reports the progress of France within the last twenty years in mathematical, physical, and natural science, the " ad- vance accomplished in applying moral and political science to the necessities of society," and the part fulfilled by French litera- ture in educating the country. These reports are to be published on the opening of the exhibition of 1867. The idea is a wide one, but there is still a want. M. Duruy should include in his project also reports on the decadences of France, the decay of public spirit, of the desire for freedom, of private virtue, of political thought, and of that literature which once was the most propagandist in the world.