18 NOVEMBER 1871, Page 1

The latest rumour from France is that on the opening

of the next Session in December, M. Thiers will propose that the Re- public shall be definitively proclaimed, and a written constitution adopted with himself as head of the Executive power. It is certain that this project has been warmly discussed in the secret sittings of the Permanent Commission, to which the Assembly delegated part of its functions, and we have elsewhere given some reasons for believing that it is true, and that the resistance will be aces than might have been expected. M. Thiers also intends, as he admits in a letter to M. Jules Jan* to propose that the Govern- ment, or the Government and the Assembly, should return to Paris, which will never be contented until it is again head of France. This proposal will be more strenuously resisted, the Assembly still dreading Paris ; but Versailles is uncomfortable, Paris is the delight even of the members who fear her population, and there is no one as yet to replace M. Thiers. The probabili- ties, therefore, are that by January, France will be a Republic, with an Executive beyond removal by the Legislature, and that Paris will be again the seat of Government.