18 NOVEMBER 1876, Page 2

The Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen have again returned a

Conservative by a large majority, the Uniiersity of Aberdeen giving, however, a crushing majority for the Conservative, and Glasgow but a very Small one. The first return is as follows :—

At Glasgow. At Aberdeen.

For the Lord-Advocate (Mr. Watson) ... 1,176 ... 1,216 For Dr. Kirkwood 1,088 ... • 700 Majority for the Lord-Advocate 88 516

total majority for the Lord-Advocate, 604. It is curious that the Conservative candidate polled a considerably larger vote in the smaller University than he did in the larger. What is it makes Aberdeen so Conservative ? Is it the sceptical.school of "experience" philosophy which reigns there ? Some of- the most curious results of philosophical scepticism have been the Conservative polities it has produced.