18 NOVEMBER 1905, Page 16


rTo THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPRCTITOR:1 SIR,—Will you allow me to point out that the statement, "Neither I nor any other leader of the Liberal party, in my belief, has ever gone back either in spirit or letter on Mr. Gladstone's policy," which appeared in the reports of Mr. Asquith's speech at Earlsferry, and upon which your corre- spondent Mr. H. C. Irwin (Spectator, November 21st and 28th) based his criticism of your attitude towards the above subject (Lord Londonderry also quoted it in his speech on the 1st inst. at Sunderland) received the following correction in the Times of October 16th ?—" Neither I nor any other Liberal has ever gone back—I do not speak of methods— upon the spirit or upon the aims of Mr. Gladstone's policy."—