18 NOVEMBER 1932, Page 3

Parliament at Work Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes :—" The chief

topic of the week in the House of Commons has been the debate on disarmament, during which for the first time the British Government showed signs of giving a clue in this niatter to the cross-word puzzle now being studied at Geneva. Sir John Simon's speech was more clever than clear ; but was taken to be a strong bid to get Germany back to the Disarmament Conference. The British Government appears to be ready to recognize Germany's equality of status, provided Europe concludes - a sort of sub-Kellogg Pact and provided there is in fact no immediate .scaling up of German armaments. Much depends on how the Foreign Secretary follows up his speech at Geneva. The House was left with the impres- sion that the Government intends to put the whole problem of disarmament to a final test. Either there will be a new general Convention in replacement of the relevant clauses of the Versailles Treaty, or a complete breakdown of all effective disarmament projects.