18 NOVEMBER 1932, Page 6

I confess to some pangs of regret at the disappearance

of Mr. W E. Borah from the chairmanship Of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States Senate. That important position—for the. Senator who .holds it is the personal link between- the Secietary of State, who sits in neither Chamber, and the Seriate—gOes now to a Democrat: and Senator Swanson of Virginia. Who has represented his country at the DiSarmament Conference for most of this year, gets the jab. Mr. Borah, in the chairman's seat or out of it, will still be the picturesque and Outspoken personality. familiar to every newspaper reader. He may even find time now to. cross the Atlantic for the first time in his life. But there is a good deal to be said for choosing a man who knows something of Europe to preside over the Fdreign Relations Committee.