18 NOVEMBER 1938, Page 30

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR,—One fact at least

stands out clearly from the discussion !n your columns about the .Soviet_Army between Mr. Vowle, and Mr. Baker White (Director of " The Economic League "- formerly known as " The Anti-Socialist League ").

This fact is : that I and tens of thousands of my fellow-citizen everywhere have hitherto been completely misled about Soviet Russia. For years and years we have authoritatively been told that the Soviet Government keeps its 18o million people in complete ignorance of matters of great importance. From the quotations out of Russian papers given by the Director of the Economic League we now learn that the

awful Soviet openly tell their people of the serious condition in many respects of their Army, and actually publish news of such shortcomings in their Press.

Here in democratic Britain the various Ministers at the head of Government Departments keep such matters secret and calmly and loudly proclaim that the publication of such information is "not in the public interest."—Yours truly, B. E. HAWLEY.