18 NOVEMBER 1989, Page 27

LETTERS Junk junket

Sir: Problems with junk mail? Over here We have sometimes found it helpful to (a) detach the guaranteed prepaid return post- age from the offending correspondence and (b) use it to send unwanted printed matter back to the source, attached to large, heavy objects. An inconvenience, Yes, but deeply consoling. Bricks are good for this purpose, also steel slabs. During the 1960s there was a report of a New Jersey man who took great pains to identify the person ultimately respon- sible for his junk mail. He then flew over the man's house and dropped a 200-pound bale of brochures through the roof. For- tunately there were no injuries. Even so, this is not a recommended response. R. S. Potterton

3746 North Fine Grove, Chicago, Illinois