18 NOVEMBER 2000, Page 49

Loyal to Russia

From Mr Oleg Gordievsky Sir: Mr Nick Djivanovic (Letters, 11 November), who lives in the Bahamas, apparently feels sympathy with the present KGB-led regime in Russia, which is bomb- ing Chechnya to ashes. He makes an absurd suggestion that I would bomb Moscow. Obviously his mental state has a deep scar from last year's bombing of Belgrade. He clearly likes the former USSR, slandering the Russian people by identifying them with the criminal Communist party dicta- torship. I have not betrayed Russia any more than Willy Brandt betrayed Germany, when, during the war, he was in touch with American and British representatives (and, by the way, at the same time the USA and Britain were bombing Berlin).

Oleg Gordievsky

London WC2