18 OCTOBER 1834, Page 6

The French Government is about to establish a steam-boat com-

munication between Marseilles and Constantinople. The French Government is about to establish a steam-boat com- munication between Marseilles and Constantinople.

A grand musical solemnity was to have taken place at the church of St. Rohe, in honour of Boieldieu the composer ; but it having been forbidden by the Archbishop of Paris, it was celebrated at the church of the Invalides, at eleven o'clock on Monday. "

Several of the French papers state that many of the superior officers of the National Guard feel themselves to have been greatly slighted in not having been included among the numerous visiters invited to Fon- tainbleau.

When the Royal Family was leaving Fontainbleau on the Sth instant, the King who rode on horseback through the town, observed in the crowd the Provost and Profess. rs of the College; and immediately rode up to them, requesting them to grant a holyday to their pupils. At the same moment, his Majesty's horse, being tormetited by flies, lay down ; but the King with the greatest activity disengaged himself, without receiving any injury but a slight bruise on one of his knees ; which, however, did not prevent him from alighting front his carriage at the Croix de Berny, and reviewing the National Guards of the com- mune.—Paris Paper. On Saturday, M. Dieude, responsible editor of the Quoticlienne, ap- peared before the Court of Assizes on the charge of exciting hatred and contempt against the Government, an attack on the King's person, and an attempt having a change in the Government for its object, con- tained in two articles of that journal on the d and :2.2d of May, the one entitled Djelaration Royaliste, and the other Aux Orljanistes d l'oceasion des elections. Being declared guilty, M. Dieude was sentenced to a year's impriontnent and a fine of 5,000 francs.

The Chamber of Commerce of Marseilles gave a dinner to Dr. Bowring on the 1st of October.

Two statues have just been elevated to the top of the triumphal arch in the Place du Carrousel, to complete the group of the triumphal chariot. They appear to be checking the speed of the horses, and are said to be the same statues that formerly accompanied the celebrated Venetian horses on that monument.—Galignani's Messenger. A gigantic undertaking is about to be executed in the southern part of Savoy. It is to connect by a suspension. bridge of a single arch, two points in the road between Annecy and Geneva, several hundred feet distant from each other, and rising to 230 feet above the bed of the torrent.