18 OCTOBER 1879, Page 2

The Irish agitators for the reduction of rent are still

holding meetings, the most important of which assembled at Navan on Sunday, the 12th inst. Not less than 20,000 people are

believed to have attended. Mr. Parnell addressed the meeting, declared that this was the greatest assemblage since O'Connell spoke to their fathers "from the royal 'hill of Tara," and explained his views more specifically and mdre moderately • than he has yet done. The landlords, he said, had availed themselves of the good times to run up rents till, now that the fall had come, the tenants could not live. The tenants, nevertheless, make all improvements, and the ,course of the landlords in calling on them to give up their capital is dishonest. He recommended them, therefore, to ask the landlords to submit to arbitration, and, if they refused, then to tender what they themselves considered a just rent. If that also were declined, then the tenants on each property should unite and refuse any rent at all, The landlords would not be allowed to evict them in masses, as they did in 184'7. The tenants "must exhibit their power in such a way that Parlia- ment would no longer dare to trifle with the wishes of the Irish people." As the landlords will certainly evict if the rent ie not paid, and Parliament will not prevent eviction, this advice lin- plies either insurrection or the terrorising of the landlords. It remains for Mr. Parnell to say finally which he intends.