18 OCTOBER 1890, Page 1

It is officially announced that Dr. Thorold, the Bishop of

Rochester, will be translated at the end of the year to the See of Winchester, while Dr. Randall Davidson, the Dean of Windsor, will succeed Dr. Thorold in the See of Rochester. These are modest appointments, especially the latter. The Queen keeps her place as the real head of the Church of England, even more distinctly than her place as the real head of the State. The latter she delegates in great measure to her Prime Minister; the former she still reserves chiefly to herself. Dr. Randall Davidson is a pleasant, an accomplished, and a sensible man, very broad," but not quite broad enough to find it easy to bear with the freaks of Ritualism or the enthusiasm of sacramentalists. He is willing enough to defend what goes beyond himself in the downward direction, but hardly what goes beyond himself in the upward; nor has he any other great claim to preferment except that be has found favour in the eyes of the Sovereign, and might have

been included in the remarks on the Church of Laodicea by the last of the Apostles.