18 OCTOBER 1986, Page 26

Jammed propeller

Sir: Far be it from me, a mere 'slipshod' Times correspondent (Letters, 11 October) to disabuse a well-informed reader of the Spectator, but a jammed propeller seems to have impeded the effectiveness of Mr Bailey's guns in his attack on the late Baron von Banfield.

According to the Austrian war archives, Banfield was credited with 21 victories. This figure is disputed by the Italians but their records in Rome concede 17 'kills'. Moreover, Banfield was certainly not born in Pola but several hundred miles away at Castelnuovo along the coast of the Bay of Cattaro. But here Mr Bailey is in good company; both the Daily Telegraph and, more surprisingly, the Imperial War Museum labour under this eccentric illu- sion.

Richard Bassett

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