18 SEPTEMBER 1858, Page 9


STOCK ExcRANDE, FRIDAY Arrzasoos. The various markets for public securities have exhibited extraordinary firmness throughout the week, although business in the funds still continues limited in extent. The continual arrivals of Australian gold, only a small Portion of which has been for continental purpos.s, with a very slight de- mand for discount accommodation tends to the present support of quotations, but it has not yet led to increased business; speculators seem disinclined to extend their operations for the present, and there is also an absence of bona fide investments. The large amount of bullion now accumulated in the Bank cellars leads to the belief that the Directors will shortly an- nounce a reduction in the minimum rate of interest to 21 per cent. Consols on Monday opened 97197j, since when the fluctuation has only been between 971 buyers, and 971 sellers. The Indian Loan Scrip, second issue, remains dull at 981 981. Bank Stock shut. Business is heavy at the close today, and Consols for 12th October 971 971. After the payment of the October dividends, it is probable the Markets will be more active. During the early part of the week the attention of dealers in the Foreign Market was principally engaged with the settle- ment of the half-monthly account, which passed off satisfactorily. Stocks have been very steady, and with one or two exceptions without alteration ; the Market upon the whole, however, is not quite so firm as it was last week. Turkish Six per Cent, 961 961, and the new scrip nomi- nally par 1 prem., the first settlement is fixed for Tuesday 21st. hew Bra- zilian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 96 961; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 91 92 ; Ditto, Three per Cent, 71 72 ; Ditto, the dollar Bonds, 75 78. Buenos Ayres somewhat firmer, 77 78; Buenos Ayres Deferred, (about being converted,) 161 171 ; Spanish is good, 451 46 ; Spanish Deferred, 291 2%; Ditto, the Committee's Certificates, 6 6.1 ; Victor Emmanuel, 921 931. It is just announced that the West India packet has arrived, and it is assumed brings favourable news from Venezuela, but nothing is positively known. The stock has jumped up to 40 41. An active business has been doing in nearly all descriptions of Railway Stocks and Shares, and a general advance has been maintained. London and North-Western and Great Northern have each improved about 21 per cent during the week, upon the expectation that a satisfactory arrangement will now be made between the two lines, the former is quoted 90; 91, and the latter 102 103. The settlement of the account which took place on Tuesday and Wednesday did not materially interfere with business ; transactions for the rise having the preponderance. Contaugos and rates for continuation were very heavy, that on London and North-Western being equal to 16 per cent. Lancashire and Yorkshire, 944 95 ; Midland, 965 961; and Caledonian 421 43—all 1 per cent higher ; Oxford 134 14 ; Berwick, 92/ 93 ; and East Lan- cashire, 90 92 ; Sheffield, 35i 351 ; London and Brighton, 1051 106; Great Western about f per cent better, leaving off 50i 501 ; and London and South-Western 94 941, showing a rise of 2 per cent. Today business is quiet, but the markets are firm.

Shares in the Foreign Railway Market are generally steady, but there has been no extraordinary feature throughout the week. The shares of the Atlantic Telegraph Company have declined to 320 340 ; business has been done today at 315 and 330. Miscellaneous stocks and shares are all steady, with an upward tendency prevailing. Money has continued easy on the Stock Exchange, the rate remaining and 11 per cent.


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday.the 15th day of Sept. 1838.

Notes issued £32,433,360 Government Debt £11,016,100 Other Securities 3,459,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 17,938,980 Silver Bullion £32,433,980 E32,433,960

I11.17 HMO


Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Rest 3,696,116 Public Deposits' 0,041,079 Other Deposits 12,201,939 Seven Days and other Bills 759,660 439,231,713 09,351,713 Government Securities (Inclu-

ding Dead Weight Annuity) £10,970,414

Other Securities 15,911,274 Notes 12,2711,970 Gold and Silver Coin 699,955 • Including Exchequer, Saving-Bauks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct

The half-yearly Court of the Proprietors of the Bank of England took place on Thursday, Mr. Sheffield Neave, the Governor presiding. The profits for the six months ending August 31, were stated to be 628,770/., making the amount of the rest on that day 3,676,8681. A dividend at the rate of 41 per cent. for the half-year was .declared, leaving the rest 3,021,9831. Satisfaction was expressed that, notwithstanding the low rate of interest lately prevalent, a distribution at this rate could be made.

The purchase, now in course of arrangement, of the Great Austrain Rail- way line from Vienna to Trieste is likely to be the chief cvent of the autumn in the money markets of London and Paris.

Messrs. Rawson and Sons, East India and China merchants, who sus- pended on the 2d of June, with liabilities to the amount of 422,000/., and assets showing a large surplus, have issued a circular announcing a first dividend of 5s. in the pound. The position of business in the Lyons silk-market has improved. This is ascribed to the arrival of larger orders for the American spring trade than had been anticipated.