18 SEPTEMBER 1909, Page 1


THE speech which Lord Rosebery addressed to a meeting of business men at Glasgow on Friday, September 10th, 'created a profound impression throughout the country. It 'was a speech full of wise things, political and economic, to 'which the orator, with his inimitable art, gave the most perfect expression. While the speech had no rhetorical flourishes or passages of laboured invective like those with 'which the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Mr. Winston Churchill interlard their orations, it made such easy reading that thousands of men and women by whom as a rule political speeches are "taken as read" did not miss a line or a word in it. We are glad to note that the cheap reprint in pamphlet form undertaken by the Daily Mail has proved a great success, and that nearly a million and a half copies have been sold. Nothing could be better than that such sound and sane views as Lord Rosebery's on taxation and the sources of national wealth should be widely spread throughout the country. The speech was indeed a liberal education in the matter of taxation.