18 SEPTEMBER 1920, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In reply to Mr. E. A. Gurney-Smith, may I say that your statement that between " the Church of Scotland and the United Free Church . . . reunion has not yet been accom- plished " is quite correct? It is true that a way by which this may be brought about has been agreed upon by the General Assemblies of the two Churches, but many steps have yet to be taken ere the union can be consummated. An Enabling Bill will have to be passed by Parliament, and when that is done each Church will, under what are known as the Barrier Acts, have to submit the scheme of union to the judgment of the Presbyteries. Even under the most favourable circumstances I believe it is impossible that union can become un fait accompli in less than three years.—I am, Sir, &c.,


(Session Clerk, South Morningside 'United Free Church, Edinburgh). 51 Comiston Drive, Edinburgh.