19 APRIL 1862, Page 5


The foltowing telegrams have been received at Mr. Reuter's office:


Madrid, Wednesday.

Ix is asserted that should the French troops enter the city of Mexico the Spanish forces will do the same.

It is also stated that the Spanish Government has not been officially in- formed of the departure of General Lorene ez with reinforcements for Mexico.

RUSSIAN-POLAND. Breslau, Thursday.

The Schlesische Zeitung of to-day says:

"We hear that General Liiders intends retiring from the Governorship of Warsaw.

"It is considered likely that the Duke of Oldenburg will be his suc- cessor.

"Apprehensions are entertained of demonstrations taking place at War- saw at Easter."



Mostar, Tuesday.

The Montenegrin tribe of Uskoqs and the insurgents of Piva have pro- nted by the passage of the river Tara, near Ogradjanitze, to make san- guinary incursions into the district of Taschlitze. To prevent their invasions the Ottoman troops have constructed a large guard-house near this passage, defended by 400 irregulars, under the commana of Dervich Bey.

• The insurgents having occupied the village of Naratin, to prevent the construction of this building, Dervich Bey passed the river and attacked them.

Daring the combat the Egumen (chief of the convent) of Piva hastened with fifty men to the assistance of the insurgents.

The night ended with the flight of the insurgents, who left the priest and eleven men dead on the field. The Ottoman loss was two dead and six wounded.

A sufficient Ottoman garrison having been left in the newly erected for- tifications of Zabel, ten battalions of the Turkish army, with some irregular troops, marched towards the district of Banyati. Five of these battalions were then detached to provision Niksich.

Upon their return from this place they were attacked, in the defile of Douga, by a large number of Montenegrins and insurgents. The assailants were routed, leaving a hundred of their number on the field, with about twice as many wounded.

The Ottoman troops had two officers and 29 privates killed, one officer and 28 men wounded.