19 APRIL 1873, Page 14


S/R, —Will you insert a few limes on another point connected with this question ? In very many -towns Burial Boards are now being formed, with a view to provide cemeteries on the closing of the old churchyards. Is it necessary to continue the absurd system of building two exactly similar chapels side by aide, one for-Church people, the other for Dissenters ? It is true that Dissenters could not legally use a consecrated chapel, but could not one unconse- crated chapel be provided for joint use, under regulations to be- framed by each board ? These double chapels are a monstrosity in architecture and a scandal to religion. No practical incon- venience could arise from the plan I propose ; it would not interfere- with the consecration of a portion of the ground; and surely -no. one could object on principle to such an arrangement, especially when we remember that no prayers are, according to the Burial Service, offered in the chapel, but only the psalm-is said or sung, and a lesson read. In very rare instances, where the mourners wish to receive the communion together, it might easily be arranged that the service should be performed in the parish church.

Surely, Sir, in another thirty years these doable chapels will be- looked upon with wonder as-relies of past intolerance and stupidity.

—I am, Sir, &c., It. E. BARTLETT, Vicar of Perahore.